Hot Head (Chili x Reader)

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(Y/n's pov)
So...yeah I bet you all expect a happy little story about my love life...HAA! After a fight with my  latest ex I don't have a love life! I was previously in love with Chili, one of the Straiton City triplets, but because of his stupid hot headed short temper we broke up. I couldn't handle always arguing with him, having to get my blood boiling for the guy I loved wasn't exactly how I pictured my life but here I am alone again. It was birthday all I was trying to do was give him his birthday present but instead we fought because he was mad about losing a gym battle. A loud sigh escaped my lips and I groaned hearing the doorbell ring.

"(Y/n), it's me please open up. I brought you some fresh herbal tea to talk about it.", A voice sighed.

I gave in and opened up the door to see Cilan waiting for me. He respectfully let himself in and used my stove to finish brewing the the he had brought me,was he here to defend Chili or something?

"How are you? After the break up I mean.", Cilan asked in a sad tone.

"I'm emotional, I'm confused, I'm regretting it because I think I still love him but he'll never change. He doesn't understand that I don't need him to be the best gym leader or trainer, I just need him to love me the way I love him.", I sighed taking my tea and drinking it.

Cilan gave me a sad smile before joining me on the couch and telling me how Chili was doing, seems like he had it worse then me. He was so upset that he refused to battle anyone, he refused to serve guests even upon request, and he even disregarded Iris, the champion, because of how upset he was.

"He's almost as cool as Cress and he's not exactly that type of guy, I heard that you dropped his gift also. I brought back, here.", Cilan whispered giving me back the fire stone I had planned to give to stupid Chili.

I placed it on the table and sighed trying my best not to cry again over that stupid jerk.

"Since Chili doesn't want to work how about taking over his position for a bit? It'd help us out a lot.", Cilan asked.

"Ummm..... Do I have to wear a skirt?"

"Oh no you'll wear the same uniform as us, you just have to tie your hair up.", Cilan smiled realizing that I'd agreed.

(Chili's pov)
It seemed really busy downstairs but I had no motivation to work since I had messed up so he with (y/n). How could I do that to my Diamond?! I should've calmed down instead of barking at her like some wild Pokemon! I decided to have a peek downstairs to check on my brothers since Pansear seemed a bit restless, full house tonight maybe I should go downstairs.

"Hello and welcome to the Straiton Cafe."

That voice immediately caught my attention and much to my surprise it was (y/n) in one of our uniforms. What were my brothers thinking?! They can't put her out on the floor like that, the uniform is obviously to tight on her body! When I realized a table of guests were staring at her my blood began to boil, what the hell do they think they're staring at? That's when one of them stood up and walked over to you as you were bent forward wiping a young child's face of their food. The customer slapped your bottom which you promptly reacted to by hitting him with your serving tray. Embarrassed by your own reaction as the customer fell unconscious to the floor you rushed off to the kitchen where I immediately followed you. Cilan noticed me running past everyone as they tried to calm the customers but my brother's knew what to do with people like him.

I walked into the kitchen to find your face extremely red as you ranted to yourself about embarrassing the restaurant and assulting a customer. I guess even the calmest of rivers eventually turns into rapids, I chuckled getting your attention. You quickly tried to hide your tears but even I recognized when you were crying.

"Why are you so mad (y/n)?", I asked wiping your tears away with my thumbs.

You pulled away from my grip and looked anywhere but me and I expected as much, I guess I didn't have a choice I had to get back on the dining floor.

"Go home (y/n), you don't have to stay if you're gonna be forcing a smile on your face.", I chuckled sneaking a kiss on your cheek.

You pushed me away gently and silently continued your tantrum, "Who's the hothead now?", I teased.

You glared at me but before you could say anything Cilan and Cress joined us in the kitchen. They were happy to see me up again and happier to see that you were alright. I changed and so did you, you watched us handle the dinner rush from upstairs but I couldn't help but glance up at you every few moments. If our eyes met you looked away but even I noticed the adorable redness flush over your cheeks. Once we closed up for the night you were still there but distracted so I let Pansear go upstairs to greet you. My little partner brought a smile to your face once you saw him and I was sad to think that you weren't by my side anymore so Pansear wouldn't be as happy since you wouldn't visit as often.

"Settle down yet, you little firecracker?", I asked sitting down next to you.

"Shut up Chili, you're one to talk.", You growled.

I smiled at you which only brought back that sweet blush to your face, I couldn't help but absentmindedly cup your cheek and stare at your gorgeous face.

"To think that you're now free to love anyone else, you'll get scooped up by someone else and I can't do anything about it because you don't love me anymore.", I whispered unaware of the tears ready to spill from my eyes.

"Well if you weren't such a hothead sometimes then maybe we would've worked out.", You sighed pulling away from my touch.

I couldn't help but laugh at your response, my laughter was just too hide my tears but you were right. If it wasn't for me being so angry then I would still have you by my side, you frowned at me and handed me a small pouch with a ribbon on it. I stopped laughing and opened it to find a fire stone inside.

"Happy birthday Chili.", You whispered.

I smiled sadly at the red stone, I watched as you got up to leave and rushed after you. I couldn't stop my body, I stopped you by your wrist and pulled you into a sweet loving kiss before sadly letting you go again.

"I'll earn that kiss back, I promise.", I vowed a fire of determination lighting in my red hues.

You couldn't help but smile at me and wished me a goodnight, my brothers both patted my back reassuringly as the tears finally started to fall again. I don't want to lose you, I don't want to be without you but the next time I see you I promise I'll be stronger and calmer than I am now. I'll earn you back by showing you that I'm not an immature hothead.

"I love her so much."

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