the one with family, dwarrowdams, and fountains

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Thelle was greatly surprised when Lord Elrond allowed her to leave the Healing Halls before a full day had passed. The next morning, he allowed Estel and Calad to bring her out for fresh air in the gardens, where she was currently sitting on a bench carved in white stone.

"How have the dwarves been treating you?" Estel asked, peering over to his aunt in curiosity. "They seem to be quite taken with you."

Thelle let out a sigh. "It has not always been like this, you must know. There was a time where none would speak with me-"

"Let me guess, you showed your short-fused temper?" Calad jested, hiding her smile behind her dark hair at her seat on the other side of Thelle.

Thelle let her hand roam down her face, muffling her groan. "Gandalf has already discussed this with you?"

Her brother's children looked at each other with slightly sheepish grins. "He may have let some of it escape while we were waiting for you to wake."

Thelle rolled her eyes. "There is only so much that I can keep from the two of you."

Calad let out a throaty laugh. "I doubt you'll ever be able to keep anything from us."

"Indeed, I could not think of doing such a thing."

Estel quirked an eyebrow. "So, what is going on between you and the Dwarf King? I thought he was going to run me through before he knew I am your kin."

"What happened?" Thelle gaped at her nephew, immediately thinking of the idea of Estel fighting against Thorin Oakenshield, one of the greatest dwarrow warriors of his time. "Did he threaten you?"

However, Thelle didn't notice the new light shining in Calad's eyes. "He was concerned when he discovered that Estel would be staying in the room when we healed you, and ultimately stripped you form your clothes. He was quite concerned for your virtue."

A light blush formed on Thelle's cheeks. "Females are rather important to the dwarrow kind," she explained. "There are so few female dwarves so they're naturally protective over me when things such as that are in question."

Estel folded his hands in front of him in an innocent gesture. "But I believed the dwarrow were not happy that you had joined them on their quest?"

Thelle automatically stiffened. "Apparently things have changed."

Calad and Estel shared a look. "Indeed, they have."

Thelle felt herself swallow at Estel's words. "Many things have changed."

Calad nodded. "And things will continue to change," her eyes glassed over as she looked out over the cliffs and into the distance. "I fear for this quest, Aunt Faradielle."

"You need to trust my words-"

"And you need to trust my sight," Calad cut her off.

Her niece's words cut into Thelle's heart like a dull blade. "I do not doubt your ability-"

"Then why do you insist that I am wrong?"

Thelle immediately turned her body to fully face her niece, who was hiding behind her locks of hair. She gently brushed a few strands back behind her ear, caressing the side of her cheek in a light, motherly touch.

Calad's eyes were lined in silver and puffed with red. Thelle felt a melancholic pull tug on her heart as she placed an arm around the younger woman and pulled her close. She let her other hand continue to caress the girl's face, and eventually linger on the long-roped scar that was permanently etched onto her neck.

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