Theories about Nathalie and Emilie

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Hello miraculers ! I hope you loved Feast because this theory is according to Feast , thought by lady_blog_fanpage .

As seen in Feast different holders can create sentimonsters at the same time . Nathalie's surname is Sanscoeur (heartless in french)which means that Nathalie's probably a sentimonster created by Emilie knowing she'd haven't survived , explaining why Nathalie loves Gabriel , Adrien and her surname .

Remember that this is a theory , but it's really interesting , because as we've seen in Ladybug , sentimonsters can have their own feelings as well . Maybe Nathalie is the key to see what happened to Emilie . We have many theories that Emilie had the peacock miraculous and then broke so she started getting worse everyday . The thing is why she wore the miraculous ? So these are my own theories 

First one is that when Gabriel and Emilie went this travel to Tibet they found the two lost miraculouses , but as it fell down when Master Fu dropped it maybe the peacock miraclous broke while the other one didn't . When Emilie started using it she hadn't realized but after a few months that she had all those symptoms she noticed . 

The next theory explains why Nathalie tends to protect Gabriel at any cost . When the last days of Emilie came , she couldn't leave Adrien and Gabriel alone , because she was too carrying . So as a result she used her last seconds of her past life to create Nathalie , someone so carring like her , who would do anything to protect the family . Nathalie as a sentimonster was following the orders of the creator , but just like in Ladybug , she started having real emotions and not just following the orders but really felt why she had to do that . Since the creator used the peacock miraculous , to protect Gabriel and Adrien , now she is following the footsteps of Emilie and is doing the same thing . 

These are just theories just to know if you didn't get that before . Stay miraculous ! Bug out !

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