Webster swallowed and started fidgeting with her bracelets. She wondered if it was too late to make that get-away now.


Alex was pissed off when he stepped out of Starbucks. Lorraine had called him to cancel their date again. This was the third date she'd dropped out of and he was getting pretty tired of her lame excuses.

He stomped down the street, kicking moodily at puddles on the ground. Stupid Lorraine....stupid date. He was so steamed.

He thought about calling Jack and asking him if he wanted to share a bottle of Jameson with him, but then decided against it, because getting wasted wasn't going to make anything better, although it would numb the sting of rejection a bit.

No, he'd go say hi to Brianna at the old record and CD store. That would help. Brook would let him root through the records as long as he wanted to.

Yeah, he'd definitely go there.

He sighed as he started to trudge towards the store, his heart heavy in his chest.

Ever since he had returned to his hometown after losing his job in California, things had been shitty.

First of all, he had gotten smashed on the first night back, and he couldn't remember what had happened, plus he woke up with a weird rash on his leg, which creeped hin out. The hangover was horrible as well.

Then there was his girlfriend, Lorraine, who has been avoiding him ever since he'd come home.

What the fuck was up with that?

He sighed as he swung the door of the record shop open, the familiar scent of weed and dusty old vinyls greeting him like old friends. He stepped inside and immediately, Brianna waved at him.

"Well would you look what the wind blew in!" she laughed as she smirked at him.

Forgetting all about his bad mood, Alex smiled back at her.

"What's up Cheesy?" he asked as he winked at her. She scowled at him. Ever since he had discovered that 'Brie' (pronounced Bree) is a type of cheese, he'd been calling the pink haired girl 'Cheesy'.

"That's Brianna to you, Alexander William." she huffed, then she turned away and disappeared to the back.

Chuckling to himself, Alex headed towards the start of the CD shelves.

And that's when he saw her.

He had been in this store so many times that he had lost count, and he had never seen this girl here before.

She was in a wheelchair. That was the first thing he noticed. The second thing he noticed was the employee laniard slung over her t-shirt and he frowned.

Yep, he definitely didn't remember any girl in a wheelchair working here.

The third thing he noticed was that she was putting Green Day's 'Dookie' into the wrong section. That pissed him off.

Seriously, he couldn't believe they had hired someone who obviously didn't have a clue about music.

She was holding a bunch of them in her hand, the box in her lap.

"Hey!" Alex said loudly.

She didn't hear him.

Or maybe she's ignoring me Alex thought.

"Hey!" he said again, a little louder this time.

Nothing. She didn't even blink.

Getting irritated, he marched over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

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