6||the date

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the plan was all set. but the last thing was for me to get ready. i literally tore up my closet. all of sudden maggie pulled out some dress out of my drawer.

 all of sudden maggie pulled out some dress out of my drawer

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   "OMG!! ITS PERFECT!!" i exclaimed. maggie laughed at my comment. i curled my hair and did my makeup. it was almost 8. i put on some a plain white crop top and jack o lantern pajama pants. i went downstairs and filled my hydro. as i planned mike was in the kitchen making dinner. "hey bro , ima hit the hay" i said while filling my water bottle. "oh okay , did you eat?" mike asked. "yea" i lied. "okay goodnight" mike said. i walked up stairs and put my dress on and i hopped out of my window and climbed down the latter that me and maggie put there. i got in my car and drove to the park.

i pulled up to the park and colby was sitting on bench. i got outta my car and walked up to colby. he looked up from his phone and his jaw dropped. "wow , you look stunning." colby said. "thank you , you don't look to bad yourself." i replied. "so what do you have planned brock." "well i have dinner reservations and then a surprise." "ooooo a surprise!!" "hehe your too cute." i blushed at his comment. we walked to his car and we went to the restaurant. when we pulled up to the restaurant it look close. i was kinda sketched out. i had my dagger in my hand just in case this was a set up. but it's brock , he not a bad guy.

he got outta the car and open my door and asked for my hand. i gladly accepted it. he knocked the door 5 times and someone opened it. "awww mr.brock , we've been waiting for you , come in." the guy said. " we walked in and they put on the lights and they sat us at a table.

"wow you rented a whole restaurant for me" i asked. "ofc , anything for you" colby responded. i started to blush. i looked at the menu. i honestly wasn't hungry. "so what are you getting." colby asked. "just a salad." i replied. "are you sure" colby asked. "yup" i said as i gave my menu to the server. colby ordered whatever he wanted. "so brock why you choose to take me on a date." "ummmm you want the truth." "truth" "okay well when we first started high school , i had a crush on you. but overtime my feelings were going away mainly cause i thought you didn't like me. but then that night on the beach all those feelings came rushing back. quite cheesy story , isn't it." "well it was cheesy." i giggled. he blushed and hid his face in his hands. "but it was sweet." i added. he lifted his face out of his hands and looked at me. "i always have seen you as attractive but i never really liked your attitude but last night i felt like i could tell you anything." he reached out to grab my hand, i grabbed his hand and we just stared at each other smiling like goof balls.

our food came and we talked about ourselves and our life's. "so do you live by yourself." i asked. "no , me and my friends all live together." he replied. "oh same." " really" he asked. "yea and my brother lives with us too." "oh cool , how old is your brother." "he's 21 , do you have any siblings?" " no it's just me and the gang." "what about your parents." "oh.." his mood suddenly changed really quick. "my parents passed away when i was younger." he responded. "oh i'm so sorry , my parents also passed away when i was younger too." i replied. "really?! i'm so sorry." "it's fine , it's just hard you know." "yea i get it." the waiter came and took our plates and gave us the bill. i was getting my cash out and about to put on the table till... "WHAT ARE U DOING!!" colby asked. "i'm paying." i replied calm. "i don't think so." he pushed the cash towards me and gesture me to put it away. "colby please i insist , it's the least i can do." "no" the waiter came back for the bill and before i could grab it colby took it and placed his card on it and gave it the waiter. he looked at me with an innocent look. i rolled my eyes and checked my phone. maggie texted saying that mike went to sleep. thank god. i feel more better knowing that. the waiter came back with his card and we went to his car and going to the surprise place. while he was driving i was just looking out the window.

we pull up to the beach we fell asleep at. we got outta the car and walked out to the beach holding hands. colby brought a blanket and set it in the sand and we sat there watching the ocean. "maddie i love you" colby blurted out. i was shocked. i did not think that anybody would love me besides the gang. how could he love me if he doesn't know me that well. he doesn't know my dark side. if i say i love you back i would have to tell him everything , right?   i mean i do love colby but saying i love u means i would have too tell him everything right. "maddie?" "oh sorry..." there was a little awkward silence. "i love you too colby." he had the biggest smile on his face when i said that. he stood up and lifted me up and spins me around and are lips met. it was so magical. gosh i love him. we finally forced our lips off of each other to get some air.

"maddie there's so much i wanna tell you."         "me too" "but it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow my love , it's getting late." "oh okay." we walked back to the car and colby drove me back to my car. when we arrived at the park where my car was parked , colby walked me too my car. "thank you so much colby for the amazing night." anything for you my love have goodnight sleep." i got in my car and drove back home. i pulled up to the house and snuck through my window. i took off my dress and put on more comfy clothes.

 after i changed i took of my makeup and washed my face

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after i changed i took of my makeup and washed my face. i was about to crawl into bed until everything went black. the last thing i saw was a person in all black standing above me.

cliffhanger. this one was a little long.
i'm sorry i'm posting really late. i should try to make a schedule but i'm always busy. hope you enjoyed tho.

1154 words

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