weird Hinata

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No ones POV

Kageyama is walking down the hall to his class and he doesn't see Hinata like he usually does. He walks into class to see Hinata looking at a study book, " oi Hinata what are you doing?" he shouts.

Hinata gets startled and looks at Kageyama " i am studying so that i can pass and keep playing volleyball. Shouldn't you do the same?" he replies and goes back to reading. A tic mark appears on Kageyama's head and he is about to retort back when Hinata suddenly coughs really hard.

He grabs a tissue out of his bag and spits into it and throws it away, " i just have allergies during this time don't worry about me." Hinata says and then the teacher walks in to the class.


Sugawara walks into the gym and doesn't see Hinata "Oi Kageyama where is hinata he's usually here with you right?" asks Sugawara as he stretches. Kageyama looks around " no i haven't seen him since class he wasn't in the team room when I went there." he reply's back.

Suddenly Daichi walks in and we all gather around to hear what we're doing today " ok everyone first off Hinata is not going to be here today he has a doctor's appointment and can't make practice." Daichi says to the team.

The only thing they think is I hope Hinata is alright.


Hinata is sitting in a chair and is waiting his turn for treatment, "MR. HINATA! its time for your treatment" shouts a nurse who works there. He stands up and walks into a room where he changes into a hospital gown, he is then brought to a separate room.

He lies down on a bed like machine and is checked over by the nurse than they start the treatment, Hinata stays completely still which is not normal for him at least. 

About an hour later they let him go and he changes clothes, one nurse goes up to him and rubs his head and smiles at him. he pushes her hand off and smiles but it turns to a frown when he sees his hair fall to the floor.

he sighs and pulls out a beanie and places it on his head, then thanks the lady and walks out after paying. she looks after him with sad eyes knowing that he is completely aware and has accepted it.

with Hinata he is walking down the sidewalk when suddenly he feels dizzy he stops and walks into a small convenience store. " excuse me but do you have a place i could sit? i just got done with kemo and i need to sit down." Hinata asks.

The man there grabs a chair and opens it for him, he then goes back and continues smoking his cigaret. Hinata sighs as he sits down and gets out his volleyball  then actually looks at the man who gave him a seat. 

His face takes on a surprised look "c-coach why are you h-here!?" hinata almost shouts. Ukai looks at him with a questioning look " hmm do i know you at all?" he asks Hinata. Hinata nods    " coach it's me Hinata, I didn't realize you worked here I thought you would be at practice today."

he looks at Hinata and sighs, "today i gave them the day off they couldn't focus without you, they were really worried about you. So you went to go do kemo therapy right?" ukai asks him.

Hinata starts sweating now his secret is out

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