Resting at home and a visit

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Hinata Pov

I get in the car and put my wheel chair next to me, my mom drives away from the school and back home. 

I look out the window and think about the past few days, I told the team about my sickness and my body is extremely weak now. 

" Hinata were home and guess who is super happy to see you" I hear mom say. 

I get out of the car and pull my wheelchair with me, I then go inside my house and as soon as I enter Natsu comes running at me. 

"Aniki! your ok!" she yells 

" Hey Natsu! yeah I'm ok don't worry but I am still weak so you got to be careful." I tell her rubbing her head. 

We walk inside and I go to the living room and I sit on the couch, Natsu curls up into my lap and then she falls asleep while I stroke her head. 

I see mom walk in and look at Natsu, she goes to pick her up and take her to bed. Natsu won't let me go and starts whining. 

" Mom it's ok i'll take her to bed." I say as I pick Natsu up and take her upstairs.

I walk into Natsu's room and put her into bed, I then tuck her in and walk out. I walk back to the living room.

 I go and sit on the couch and sigh, I then look down and see my mom placed Hearts warming, canja de salinha.

" Thanks mom I appreciate it." I say and smile at her.

We hear a knock at the door and I watch mom walk out of the room and into the hallway. I hear mom gasp and then I hear her shouting.

" Leave now we don't want you here!" 

" please I just want to see him once more." 

" Last time you left us he was so heart broken, I won't let it happen again." 

I stand up and walk to the door, I see mom talking to someone and I then walk up and put a hand on her shoulder.

" Mom it's ok let me deal with this." I say and lead her away.

I look at the door and see my father, I motion him to follow me. I walk into the kitchen and I sit down, I stare at him waiting for him to speak.

" shōyō i-" 

" It's Hinata thats how you address me." I say cutting him off.

" Hinata when I heard what was happening with you i rushed here to be with you." he says a bit rushed.

I stare at him and pinch the bridge of my nose, " You should have at least called, then this wouldn't have happened." I say and look at the ceiling.

" Look i appreciate that you came to see us, but i also don't want to get involved with you. You left mom with me and a baby on the way." I say and look him in the eyes.

" I won't let you off the hook so lightly it's going to take a lot for you to make it up to us." I say.

I see him shrink with each thing I say, he looks down at his lap sadly and starts to cry. I watch him in silence and don't move at all.

" I-I-I didn't want to leave! I did it so you could have a good life! I wanted to be here for you but if I stayed you would not have had anything!" he cries out in sadness.

" I get you don't want to see me but I wanted to make sure you were doing better because I wanted to see you happy!" he says with tears streaming down his face.

I watch him cry for a while before smiling " Did you hear that mom, what do you think!" I say to my mom who is in the doorway.

I look at my mom who is in tears and then look back to dad and smile " we are here now so welcome back dad." I say to him and smile.

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