Another Training camp

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Hinata's POV

I rolled out of class at the end of the day when I see Jack, Miko, and Raf waiting for me.

" Hey hinata how are you doing? Do you want to hang out?"

"Hey guys sorry but I have volleyball practice."

They look at each other they then look back to me.

" Do you mind if we come and watch we just got here and were thinking about joining a club"

I nod and roll away with them following me, I get to the stairs and I am lifted and carried down them.

We then start talking and then we go and enter the gym and they see the team practicing, I roll in with help from Jack.

" Coach I am here." 

" Hinata good now we can have a meeting."

He calls all of the team over and we all huddle around him and our managers, He starts the meeting off by telling us how we can improve.

" Okay now that that is over with I have some news "

We all look at him with a questioning face and then at each other and back to him. We watch as he takes a deep breath and lets it out.

" We are having another training camp."

Everyone is shocked to say the least, He then explains that the coaches wanted to do one more before nationals.

I raise my hand and quietly wait until coach sees me and lets me speak, I am waiting but they won't be quiet.

" Hey everyone be quiet!"

I look and see Tsukishima was the one who yelled that, I nod with gratitude in his direction. I then roll forward.

" Coach can I still come even with my condition?" I ask him.

" Hinata why would you even ask you are part of the team."

" Yeah you won't be left out."

I smile and then look at my new friends and then motion them to come over to us. They walk over and then meet the team.

" Everyone I would like you to meet Miko, Jack, and Raf. They are transfer students from America and wanted to check out the club."

They wave and then coach looks over the boys and I can see the gears turning in his head, I sigh and look at the team.

" Well guys do you want to go and continue practicing?" I ask them 

They nod and start to go back to practice, I watch and I put on my knee straps when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

" Hinata aren't you a manager?" Miko asks me

" No I am a player."

I then stand up out of my wheelchair and take a few wobbly steps, then I get my balance and I walk normal.

" By the way I can't do much simply because I have cancer." I tell them

I then go and get in line and I go for a spike and I hit it dead on. I can't wait for the training camp but I am still worried about my cover being blown.

This is going to be fun but hard.

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