Chapter 18: Gear up!

Start from the beginning

Female S.W.A.T. officer: No! Stay away from me!

She was shooting at an armadillo/dragonfly hybrid creature but the bullets weren't doing anything to its armor. The beast screeches as it pounces the female officer to the ground, biting her on the left arm, the woman screamed in pain for help but it was too late.

She was already infected.

S.W.A.T. officer 1: We have to retreat and strategize!

The S.W.A.T. officers retreated as the mutated beasts followed in pursuit. The helicopter was in their sights as they runs towards it, the mutated beasts caught up and tackled 5 more S.W.A.T. officers and biting them as they turned.

The other 4 S.W.A.T. officers made it to the helicopter, the pilot wastes no time in getting the helicopter into the stormy air as the mutated beasts failed to reach them.

The cops were evacuating the citizens to safety as one of them noticed a rhino/jackal hybrid creature charging straight for them, ready to ram through the crowd. Everyone was panicking as the cops were trying to restore order to no avail as the hybrid was getting closer to ram them.

As the rhino/jackal hybrid was about to charge through the crowd, something got in it's way, stopping the creature in it's path. The crowd and cops got a look at what stopped the creature in it's track.

It was the Crimson Spider (Lynn) and Wild Arachnid (Lana) holding the beast back.

Crimson Spider: What are you all waiting for?! Get to safety!

Wild Arachnid: Yeah, Go!

The crowd was surprised by this but listened as the cops lead them away. Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid then gripped the rhino/jackal creature by it's horn and begins spinning it around.

Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid: RAAAAAAHHHHHH!!

The two throw the creature halfway across town. Soon, a humanoid bat creature was approaching Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid but was intercepted by the Phantom Spider (Lucy) as she grabbed the creature's large ears as it screeched, allowing phantom spider to force the humanoid bat creature to fly into one, two, three, four and five more bat hybrids into a billboard as she glided over to Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid with her cape.

Crimson Spider: Nice one luce.

Wild Arachnid: Great landing as well.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... no problem.

Then a couple of humanoid leopard  hybrids running towards crimson spider and phantom spider, wanting to tear them apart. Crimson Spider double clotheslined the first two down, Wild Arachnid caught the next batch and knocked them out with a savage assault and Phantom Spider shot out black webs which caught the creatures as they fell to the ground.

Soon, the streets were rumbling as Crimson Spider, Wild Arachnid and Phantom Spider look to see a horde of humanoid muscle bound bull mutants running through the streets, mauling everything in their path.

Crimson Spider: (Cracks her knuckles) A bull beatdown fest, my lucky day.

Wild Arachnid: (Claws barred) Grrrr...

Phantom Spider: Sighhhhhh...

The three hero siblings got into fighting stance as the bull mutant horde was approaching and fast. Just as they were about to fight them, a figure jumps in front of the three heroes in the form of the Midnight Spider (Luna).

Midnight Spider: Alright dudes, time to face the music!!

Midnight Spider inhaled deeply, seeing the humanoid bull mutant horde getting closer and closer. Just as they were close enough, Midnight Spider released a huge sonic scream which stopped the horde in it's tracks, the bull mutant horde fell to the ground and roared in pain with the sonic scream ringing in their ears.

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