Chapter 2: Prequel Part 2

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Percy POV

I had just gotten out the camp's van and was now making my way to the train station that was across the street. I wonder if they have a phone booth so I can call Chloe and tell her that I'm visiting. Just so I don't surprise her with a random pop up. After paying for my ticket I looked around for a pay phone or something to call. I spotted one further down the platform and started making my way there. The place was full of homeless people and others trying to get to work or something. I don't exactly know what everyone does this early in the morning besides school or work. I had to step over a lot of people and apologize for bumping into more. When I finally got there I hurriedly got on before someone else did.

There were a few groans of annoyance and anger from behind me and I smirked evilly. I put in my quarter and dialed the number for the price family house. I hope either Joyce or Chloe picks up. I remember the last time I called and Chloe's new stepdad David picked up. He was nearly as bad as Zeus with how paranoid and how much of a control freak he was. I can understand why Chloe went punk rock. Three rings later and the phone was picked up by a woman with a very familiar southern voice.

"Hello?" She asked. "Hey Mrs. Price, hows it going?" I heard her gasp. "Percy!?" She exclaimed. I smiled. "Nope, God?" I wasn't totally wrong. I'm half god. She chuckled. "Yup, I know that sass anywhere. How are you child?" "I'm good, how are you?" She chuckled without amusement. "I'm making it. Especially with Chloe's disrespect." I sighed. "Joyce, we all talked about this. Me, you and my mom." She sighed. "I know, I know. It's just so easy to forget." "Yea, Chloe can be a handful." I agreed. "She started smoking again you know?" I sighed. Of course she did. "When I get there I'm definitely getting her with a good slap to the head." I said. "Your visiting!?" I cringed from how high her voice went. "Yep, I'm waiting for the train now."

"Ohh and Chloe left a few seconds before you called. She would've been excited to hear that." She said. "Could you tell her for me?" "And ruin the surprise!? Heavens no. She'll find out when you get here and no hitting her. She's a young woman now." I raised an eyebrow. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Boys aren't allowed to hit girls!" I laughed. "Gender equality, Joyce." She snorted out a laugh. "Of course you sat that. We'll since you're so determined she wears a padded bra now. So good luck." After a few more minutes of talking I decided it was time to get off so with a goodbye we hung up.

A few minutes later the train arrived. We all got on and settled in for the journey. I laid back and closed my eyes. I wouldn't be able to go to sleep until I really got tired, but I could still try to relax. Even with my ADHD. There was so much I could remember about visiting Chloe and Max. The most prominent memory being us playing pirates, which I was phenomenal at. I guess being a son of Poseidon really helped with my pirate personality. Chloe was second best. She's extremely stubborn and quick to irritate so it's understandable.

Max on the other hand was a terrible pirate. She was the soft one of our little trio. Chloe would always tease her about being so soft, but I liked it. It was sweet. That's why I nicknamed her Cinnamon Roll. Don't misunderstand though, she was calm sweet and really kind, but Max was no push over. Like everyone, she had a limit and if you pushed he past said limit, she'd snap. I mean, she's not exactly a fighter so she couldn't kick your butt or anything, but if you wanted someone to walk up to the person you hate, hit them in the head then disappear into a crowd. She's your girl.

I smiled at the fond memories that entered my head. Honestly I'm surprised. With everything that's happened in the past two years I thought I'd definitely forget at least a few things from my time in Arcadia Bay. Guess through all the bad stuff all my good memories just kinda stored themselves away for when I needed them most. That sounded so corny I could feel my arm tingle from where Thalia would've punched me. Is it weird that Thalia and I are so close? Like Thalia and I have been through a lot in the few months we knew each other, but I feel like if I had an embarrassing story to tell I could her and she wouldn't judge me. She'd tease me, make fun of me and even use it as blackmail material, but she do it all jokingly and in good heart.

Am I getting off track? Sorry about that, guess my excitement is making my ADHD go haywire. Anyway what were we talking about? Arcadia Bay, right. There's not really much to say anymore. It's not exactly describable. You have to see it. Experience it to know just how beautiful it is. So I'm going to sleep until I get there.

TimeSkip(brought to you by the author wanting make Chloe and Percy have purple-nurple battles)
Third POV

About five hours later Percy woke up with his stomach grumbling loudly. The demigod cursed his stomach for being empty then got up to go to the food car. Once he got there he thanked Hermes that it wasn't too many people there. He picked a random booth and sat down. Looking through the menu he nearly puked in disgust and anger at how the seafood section was bigger than the rest of the sections. After a silent rant he picked a double cheese burger with onion rings and a regular coke.

Of course he couldn't sacrifice anything, but he told his dad that there wasn't any fire around for a sacrifice and that he'd have to deal with it. Percy ate in peace while thinking about how to tell Thalia that he ate a cheese burger without her. They had made a pact that would if cheese burgers were being eaten, they would do it together. Then he realized that he was worried about pissing Thalia off more than his dad and decided he needed to stop thinking about his cousin so much. It was probably unhealthy.

Linebreak(brought to you by the author's unhealthy obsession with Thalia Grace)

Percy was back in his seat sleeping peacefully for once. No demigod dreams, no visions. Nothing. Just pure, unbothered, blank sleep. And he could be happier.

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