
Elsa woke up to the sound of knocking. It was strange, she was sure all the maids and workers were asleep. And even more strangely so, she thought she'd heard the noise come from the window. Taking in a deep breathe, she looked outside but could see little due to the thin white sheet of snow plastered against the glass. At eight years old, she'd become more than familiar with her powers and with one swift motion of her hand, the snow slid off the window, revealing nothing but snowflakes falling across an empty sky.


Jack stood gaping at what he'd seen. How did she do that? He thought. His heart hammering against his chest, his breathes heavy and somewhat hitched, he stared wide eyed at the blonde girl, who stared at him with an unfocused gaze.

She couldn't see him.

Delighted, surprised and shocked that his suspicions had come true, he floated over to the window and pressed his finger against the glass.


Intricate frost patterns started to from right in front of Elsa's eyes. She gasped as they spread across the glass, she swore she wasn't doing it.


Intricate frost patterns began to form as soon as it made contact with his skin. He heard the girl gasp from inside. He kept covering the glass with frost until it took up an abundance of space on the glass. Soon he heard the sheets ruffle, and he saw the girl on the other side of the glass, her face inches apart from his, gazing at the space where he stood with giant sapphire blue eyes.

Jack grinned at her, and lifted up his finger to do something he'd never tried before. His finger slid across the glass and traced out one word on the frosted window; and that single word set off a chain of events which completely altered his and the girl's life for all of eternity.



When Elsa saw the frost forming across her window with inhuman speed, she was confused, a bit scared and hugely surprised. She shuffled out of her sheets and went over for closer inspection. Just when she thought things couldn't get any weirder, she saw something being written on the glass from the other side.Utterly bewildered, Elsa did all she could not to squeal or shout. Giddy with excitement and suspicious and curious at the mystery, she brought up her finger and wrote out her reply.




What's your name?

Elsa. What's yours?



Jack Frost.


For a brief moment of uncertainty, Elsa thought that it might be a dream. But watching his full name appear on the glass, memories of an old myth came back to Elsa, and for the briefest of moments, she believed. As seconds passed and her belief grew, she stared with eyed, mouth agape, dumbfounded at the white haired boy that started to appear before her out of nowhere.


Jack stared intently at the girl, her expression changing from pure to delight to confusion, and disbelief. She stared at him, directly at him, meeting his gaze, as if in a trance. He furrowed his brow. He tilted his head as he stared dumbfounded at the girl. then the thought occurred to him. Taken aback, he lifted his finger once more to voice out his thoughts.

Can you see me?

He breathed heavily, mouth and eyes wide openn as he saw the girl nod and write out her reply.


It was all he could do not to leap out and shout in joy. He threw back his head and laughed. Unbelievable, he thought. He grinned and wrote another message.

Can I come in?


Elsa was starstruck. A part of her was scared, but another part was desperate and curious to find out the reason behind the events that took place.

So when he asked to come in, she contemplated a bit before going over to window, opening the latch, pushing it open.

She closed her eyes and giggled as Jack entered with a soft gust of wind, tiny snowflakes sticking to her hair face, before slowly melting away.


Since that night, Elsa would open her bedroom window every night and day to let Jack in, sharing stories and listening to his tales with immense fascination. At first, both of them were too surprised to say anything, but the awkwardness soon melted away.

As did the ice in his heart.

Since that night, Jack had learned about Elsa's powers and had started to teach her how to control them Elsa was more than eager to learn.

Though this was something she desperately wanted to tell Anna about, Elsa also wanted to keep it a secret. She felt this weird feeling of possession for him she'd never quite felt before, and she didn't want to share her unique friend, not even with Anna.

Jack would tell her about the outside world, about the Moon and about him and what he could do.

Since then, for years to come, Elsa's window was always open for Jack.


Arandelle, 1802.

The accident with Anna the following summer broke something inside Elsa, and she drew apart from everyone.

Her heart became colder as she she drew up the icy walls around herself and pushed everyone away for their own safety.

Everyone except Jack.


Jack was heartbroken to see what had happened to Anna, and knew that Elsa blamed herself. With frustration he saw what it did to Anna and Elsa, two sisters forced to stay apart from each other for the sake of one's safety. He could only imagine what Anna was going through, being shut out from her best and only friend without an explanation. And he was heartbroken to see Elsa willingly isolating herself for the sake of her beloved sister.

But Jack had been able to escape her walls and tried his best to drive her fears away and put a smile on her face. They'd make it snow in her room and have snowball fights and make tornadoes. At the dead of the night they would escape the castle's walls and Jack would take her to see the wonders inside Arandelle Elsa could never have seen if not for him.

They were each other's best friends, the only ones who understood each other completely. They meant the world to each other.

He would help her control her powers, tell her she didn't have to be afraid, that as long as he was there with her, she would never have to be afraid.

''Will you stay with me forever?'' Elsa voiced out her innocent request, gazing up at him with her beautiful dark blue eyes.

He grinned. ''Always,'' he'd said. He didn't hesitate for a minute.


Arandelle, 1805.

Her powers got worse, and she became more and more devastated each day. Jack watched with worry and despair at his best friend, who'd turned twelve that day, struggle with keeping her windows and walls ice free. She'd started wearing gloves because the powers were growing oo out o control.

Jack hoped desperately to be able to help her more than he was already, to try and help her mend her relationship with her sister.

But he knew some things were hopeless.

And every day, he watched as Elsa went through hell everyday, pieces of her soul getting lost in the storm inside.


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