Chapter 18: A flying elf

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"That had to hurt," he said maybe louder than needed.

The Falmers perked up, and the couple's eyes widened.

"You idiot," Serana whispered angrily.

They spread out, obviously on guard for the potential prey. They would now listen for the tiniest sounds. Danny and Serana hurried to further the distance between them and the perverse image of the elves. Once it was long enough, the vampire turned to the half ghost and glared at him. No words had to be said. Danny only chuckled nervously and let her go. Yes, it was a mishap and it was his fault entirely. Well, no time to linger.

Why weren't they fighting? For two reasons. One, the pointless fighting would take the time they needed for more important things, two, it was known that once you get too much attention among the Falmers, soon an endless swarm would surround you and you would end up dead. No need to get either, so the undead kept trying to be as sneaky as possible.

Endless traps, endless small encampments of the Falmers were left behind. Serana was getting tired, and both were sick of these caves. Then they reached a dead end. Strange, considering how all paths seemed to be made with the sole purpose of leading here. The two had oriented using the remnants of the ancient architecture. Now there was nothing.

"Just peachy," Danny grumbled.

"Wait, here is a lever," Serana pointed at the wall. "Two, actually."

"I think we both know that one of them shall lead to the end of our afterlives. Maybe we should just go through?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

They did just that, phasing through a rock on their way. Immediately they were greeted by an animal. In front of them stood a sabertooth cat. But it had dark eyes, pitch black fur with purple spots. The creature only stared at them, growling, yet unwilling to attack. Then, it simply jumped off the rock and went away. Two travelers looked at each other and shrugged, before going forward, but not without being awed at the sight of the new cave.

The cavern was enormous, the ceiling held by the pillars of rocks was so high above that it was impossible to even see. The pillars hardly lived up to their shared name, for they were twisting and turning in all directions possible. Beneath ran yet another underground river, making the air moist, coming from one end of the cave to another. Danny and Serana went down the path, so graciously made for them by the ancient Falmers. The ground beneath their shoes was slurping, sticking to them, much to the annoyance of the wearers. The plants were shining brightly, lighting the entire cave, yet shriveling humbly at the undead's approach. They saw several deers traveling around, munching on the rare grass and jumping away from the intruders. It was a strange, nocturnal form of beauty. Nocturnal, yet alien to the likes of Serana. The primordial surroundings were much, much older, more natural than the creations of the Lord of Subjugation.

After several minutes of walking they reached another pearly white structure. The shrine of Auriel greeted them once more. Surprisingly, there was also a ghost, undisturbed by the animals or the Falmers. The ghost elf easily raised the shrine from beneath the ground at a single request of the visitors. He casted a spell and the shrine rose from the ground with a rumble.

"You are about to continue your Piligrimage," the ghost said, turning to the fellow undead. "Just follow the road, young ones, and your journey to the enlightenment of Auriel shall be clean. May the Lord of the Sun guide you."

"Thank you, sir," Danny smiled, moving inside the shrine.

Serana didn't take the blessings seriously, she honestly doubted that some Aedra was ever going to bless a vampire. This whole endeavor was one big spat in the eyes of the creator of the weapon they were searching for. But nonetheless, she thanked the specter and together with her companion they stepped through another portal.

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