Eighteen: The End of The Journey

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I looked at the girl laying motionless on the ground. Her eyelids were closed, and her layered raven hair brushed the ground in a mess. I took her hands and shook her.

"Rave? Hey, hold on," I pleaded, "oh, God... do I really have no magic without the amulet?"

Raven didn't respond even for a little. My heart started thumping on my chest and blood rushed to my head. My head and eyes felt hot.

"S-should I carry you to a hospital? Maybe back to the Ace Co.'s headquarter? But is it okay to move you in this condition?" I asked while I glanced around frantically.

What do I do... I thought.

"Raven..." I muttered, "you can't go just yet..."

My sight became blurry and I could feel tears flowing out of my eyes. They trickled down my jaw and fell on her cheeks. I brushed them off, but they wouldn't stop flowing no matter what.

Now that I know... that I'm all alone... I thought.

"Pathetic," said a familiar voice in the back.

I turned around and saw a young man with white hair and icy blue eyes walking towards us with a mocking look on his face.

"Raph!" I said, "you managed to..."

He knelt down and put something around Raven's neck. It was a rhombus-shaped plate with an alexandrite on the middle. The stone was whole again without a crack. The plate was etched to silver chains.

"Don't look at me, I'm just lucky..." he said and sighed, "I just remembered that there was another alexandrite on the roof. I thought that was just a decoration, but I gave it a try and it fits..."

"You called upon it with your magic?" I asked, "that was... clever,"

"...thanks," he said and stood up, "but this is the last time I'll help you,"

Silence fell as I didn't know how to respond to that. I could only look at him as he turned his back to me.

"You're going?" I asked.

"Don't tell anyone you met me," he said and put his hands into his pockets, "remember? Don't forget things again this time,"

Raph... I thought and hung my head.

"Promise," I answered and nodded.

The young man just stood still in his place. He started looking around: to Raven, then to the hanging vines and the glass dome.

"Did you meet... the others?" he asked, "I've been wanting to ask you..."


He doesn't actually want to leave, does he? I thought.

"...I couldn't tell, but I think so. Whenever we meet a possible match, I noticed Raven got her files out to compare them - and I trust her judgement," I replied, "so yes but no,"

"Lucky you," said Raphael with a bitter smile adorning his face, "wish I could erase everything like you did..."

I just kept quiet as I caressed Raven's head gently. Her breath seemed to have stabilised a little.

Is it? Maybe it is for the best...

Raph's words came back to the surface of my mind in that instant.

"But why?"

"Because for them, the only thing that matters in their head is themselves and their pathetic faces in front of everyone. It wasn't your fault, Gabe. It really... wasn't,"

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