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jaebeom figures out where the dairy farm is by driving around early in the morning before jinyoung wakes up. he hadn't actually slept yet but he won't let jinyoung know that.

jaebeom makes eggs for them when jinyoung wakes up. well, he starts them before jinyoung wakes up but he drops a pan and that definitely gets the younger up.

"thank you, beom," jinyoung says before he shoves some eggs in his mouth and looks across the table at his best friend, "want to have a picnic later? i can make some food."

"nyoung, your future boyfriend is going to be so lucky," jaebeom says.

jinyoung knows that jaebeom says it in a nice way. but jinyoung wants jaebeom to be his future boyfriend.

jinyoung just smiles and keeps eating because he's a good actor. but jaebeom knows him a bit too well and knows something is off because jinyoung only smiles like that when it's fake. like when someone he doesn't like is talking to him and he just tries to be polite to get away from the conversation sooner.

jaebeom doesn't say anything. he knows that jinyoung will talk to him if he needs to. jinyoung is smart but can also handle himself if at something he either doesn't want to bother jaebeom with or just something he can do on his own.

so before they leave to go to the dairy farm, jinyoung makes them a lunch that they pack away in a wicker basket they find in the cabin. they grab some blankets and put them in the middle seat between jaebeom and jinyoung, setting the basket on top.

"how do you know where the dairy farm is?" jinyoung asks when jaebeom drives right to it without even having to look for signs.

"i went out before you woke up," jaebeom tells him, turning the corner and seeing the dairy farm. "i didn't go see the cows, though. you want to see the cows and then get ice cream?"

jinyoung nods, a bit distracted by the cows he can see. he hops out of the truck the moment he's able to and is quickly followed by jaebeom.

jaebeom doesn't expect to like them as much as does when one of the baby cows starts to lick him like a cat would. he doesn't really notice jinyoung taking pictures of him with the baby cows until a few minutes later when jinyoung shoves his camera into jaebeom's hands so he can spend some time with the cows, too.

"they're so cute," jinyoung coos, kissing the top of one of their heads.

jaebeom takes a few pictures of jinyoung with the cows while he isn't paying attention. he can't help it, jinyoung looks so happy.

"there are some adult cows and some pigs, too," jaebeom tells him, so they walk over and see the big cows that seem to try to avoid them.

they walks to see the pigs in the back and they laugh when one tries to eat jinyoung's shoe. jinyoung takes some more pictures of jaebeom interacting with the pigs.

jinyoung takes his camera back to the truck before they go to get ice cream from inside the building.

it sucks. jinyoung feels like this is a date. when jaebeom pays for his ice cream. when they drive to a small area surrounded by trees and sit in the bed of jaebeom's truck on some blankets and have a picnic lunch.

and then jaebeom mentions his boyfriend. because youngjae is very important to jaebeom and jinyoung knows it. he knows that jaebeom loves youngjae a lot and he just wants to tell him what he thinks.

he thinks youngjae is cheating on jaebeom with mark.

he lets it go, for now. he just wants to have a good time in the moment because he gets to spent this time with jaebeom and youngjae doesn't.

"nap time," jaebeom says, laying down and curling up.

"you're like your cats," jinyoung tells his best friend, giggling a bit because jaebeom really is just like his cats, down to the way his eyes are like a cat's when they wake up.

"take a nap with me, jinyoungie. it feels so good out."

jinyoung lays down and has to admit that he is a little tired but no where near as sleepy as jaebeom.

"did you even sleep last night?" jinyoung knows that jaebeom doesn't always sleep, but it of course worries him because he wants jaebeom to get the sleep he needs, considering jaebeom always works too hard and rarely gets enough sleep during the week.

jaebeom is already half asleep so he just hums in response to jinyoung's question. jinyoung just rolls his eyes and looks up at the clouds until he falls asleep next to jaebeom.

mine : jjpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora