"I could've sworn you liked rough." Euron jokingly commented, both of them knowing it was the truth after that night.

"Not when I'm the only one in pain," Annalys suddenly confessed, trying her best not to look saddened, "The scars on my back aren't only from my days fighting in war. They're from him."

Euron stopped when he reached the largest window in Annalys' room. He leaned against it as he turned to her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What about the Kingslayer?" Euron suddenly asked, causing Annalys to freeze before her glass of wine could reach her lips.

Annalys' eyes widened at his question, taken aback by it. How many people actually believed that made up lie about her and Jaime? Why was she the only one who seemed to not have heard of it before Robb told her?

Perhaps it was because everyone had been trying their best to make sure she never found out about it.

She turned toward Euron and narrowed her eyes at him. Euron, however, smirked slightly in satisfaction after seeing her reaction. "I never fucked my father, if that's what you're getting at," Annalys responded coldly, glaring slightly at the Greyjoy man, "What my mother and father do with each other has nothing to do with what I do."

"Good to know," Euron replied and Annalys tilted her head slightly as she tried to read his expression. 

"You love risking your neck, don't you?" She found herself asking, realizing he took pleasure in such things.

"I do," Euron admitted, nodding his head in confirmation, "Life gets boring at times."

Annalys had to admit, he had a point. She thought the same thing most of her life. She enjoyed being reckless like he did. She took pleasure in the thrills of doing something dangerous. However, when she did something like that, it was in the name of being a hero, not a villain like Euron did.

She took pleasure in risking her life to save others, not to harm them.

"I'll admit, you're anything but boring," Annalys replied, breaking the silence between them.

Euron chuckled lowly as he made his way over to Annalys once more, "I could say the same about you." He replied and walked over to Annalys until he was standing in front of her.

  She slowly looked up at him as he stared down at her. Annalys had an unreadable expression on her face while he widely grinned. "Do I please the queen?" He questioned her in a low tone.

Annalys smiled up at Euron, despite it being fake, "I've never met someone so reckless and blunt as I was before. Until you." She informed him before her voice became a low whisper, her tone slightly shaky, "I like that."

Just as Euron was about to lean forward to kiss her, Annalys turned away from him and took a large sip of her wine. "But I'd like to be alone now. I've had a long day." She responded, clearly proving to Euron that despite what he may have wanted to do at that moment, he wasn't the one in charge. She was.

Euron bent down slightly, placing a hand on Annalys' belly. She began to tense up slightly at his actions, watching as he leaned closer to her, "I'm going to put a prince in your belly." He whispered to her softly, his hand still on her belly.

Annalys turned to look him in the eye, maintaining composure as she smiled up at him. They exchanged one last look before Euron pulled his hand away from her and left.

Annalys watched closely as he left, cradling her stomach with her hands. Once the door closed, she quickly stood up, gulping down the rest of her wine.

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