Diplomatic Madman (1)

Start from the beginning

Had no hesitation to attack and disarm a master plus now continuing to mock him, astounding!

"Doing what wrong?" This question wasn't of course because he cared about Tristan's answer.

Mihura spotted that it is sarcasm and or mockery, this move however was just to buy himself time.

To observe the situation a bit more, to estimate Tristan's overall strength and possibly find a weakness.

"Boot kissing." Replied Tristan Black Bear, with his common thick tone becoming even thicker. 

Athendurus however didn't have to observe anymore, not because he is ready to launch a counter attack, no.

But because he was tossed 20 feet far above the ground and over 30 feet away from the conflict spot.

But somehow the master was able to maneuver enough through mid air to land on his own two feet. 

Although fearing Tristan's strength to begin with, he still underestimated the Bear blood. Not expecting such agility and quick thinking due to his size.

"Here, try not to embarrass yourself." Throwing Athendurus' Sword forwards after, which got nailed into the ground halfway deep, easily.

A couple of feet near Athendurus even.

If anyone stood in front of that Sword while it was in mid air, the results would end up in fatality.

The Ground tappers in the training yard all turned their attention towards Tristan.

Although most would be afraid to face him alone, they felt more comfortable as a group.

Making careful steps while approaching from each side, Inigo as well no doubt.

Tristan still has two swords to toss after all, which is why everyone around him is approaching carefully.

Seeing everyone approaching with clear intention to fight, Tristan just gently bent down and grabbed his swords.

Raised them forward, slightly pointing narrowly on both sides. 

Swiftly moving his legs far away from each other and squatting a bit downward.

Bacada Theras saw this move before, he recognized it right away. 

So he tapped Auica on the shoulder and gestured for her to back away. 

Noticing that Bacada meant well, she only hesitated for a little bit before agreeing to his suggestion.

Aaron James who already dashed 30 feet away from the battle zone, without anyone telling him too, thought. "Is this guy doing a sumo squat?"

While through other thoughts, he kept questioning how these puny Guards kept this man contained? Tristan looks like he can chew his way through the dirt and rocks, escaping the mines.

While still squatting, Tristan lifted his left leg up a foot high and strongly bashed it against the ground.

Which unleashed a minor earthquake that shook everyone on the left side but it only knocked a couple off of their feet, but it was still enough to buy time through the confusion.

Afterwards lifting his right foot upwards and smashing it against the ground, which of course shook everyone on the right side.

Comprehending how everyone is confused and some scared to the gut, Tristan shouts. "Taste my hind huake, you boot kissers!"

While still squatting, Black Bear jumps as high as he can while still not breaking the squat position, so his calves put in big work here.

While Tristan floated on mid air, 2 feet above the ground, Athendurus expected the worst.

So the master quickly took 3 steps backwards to get as far away from Tristan as possible.

When Tristan reached the ground, disaster followed.

The ground started shaking soul tremblingly hard, the starting point being Tristan and its radius reaching far, the shake is enough to wipe out a newly built house.

Sprained ankles were only the lightest injuries, many accidentally cut themselves with their own swords once they fell.

Everyone in a 40 feet radius, got knocked off of their feet, including Athendurus, there was no escaping it.

But the master was quick enough to hold himself up, enough to not faceplant on the ground and forcefully do a push up.

The powermove didn't just unleash a shake, another effect was the pushing force.

The moment it reached any individual's feet, to them it would feel like a wild boar just bashed through their ankles and knees, forcing their faces to meet the ground.

With this bone breaking power move, how can anyone even approach him?

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