Happy Ending, Still Exist

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If you just believe that love is real, then you could feel it when you believe it. You might not believe that love isn't real 'coz you have fallen for a person who isn't true to you and also who isn't loyal to you. 

True love exists, but people get anxious about it. They don't believe that the love would last forever. They certainly fall from the hole where they experience hatred after loving a person. A rabbit hole indeed, they jumped for reasons and fall into the hole of a prison where you can found your depressions which leads to a person to learn their lessons not to walk on a treacherous road on their life again. For some reason, there could be a huge impact possibility that the sourness and bitterness occur in one's mouth that certainly hates to get used to a topic when it comes to love.

Love is undefined. We can't define love as what it is unless you experience either sweetness and bitterness of it. You can't possibly define love without conclusions and evidence that you have experienced in life.

They say that true love never exists 'coz of the circumstances, the polaroids, the perceptions, the theories, the way they believe in it, they certainly come for it and avoid the things that must be avoided. Some say, true love never lives at a lifetime because of the portrays that they have experienced that they are being betrayed by the lovers that usually used to become a traitor for them.

Why do suddenly people act and think that they don't believe that love is real? did they learn a lot from their nightmares? can't they move on through their nightmares? the hole that they tripped in? are they afraid to walk into the trails of love again? trusting their egocentric emotions and never overcome obstacles instead, running away from it? Has it gone that far enough? Being that pessimistic sometimes brings you down. Life must go positively even if the road is dangerous as the thorns and poisonous ivy. When you trust your lover the way he/she trust you, then your relationship lasts long for decades or centuries.

If you live yourself in optimistic ways and gives yourself time for love and understand what loves is, then there's no doubt that true love will exist between you and your lover. The key to last long your relationship is to have faith in your partner trust him/her as well. You are very anxious about something that got or went wrong with your relationship but doesn't be. Just pray to the Almighty that someday you and your love last forever.

The story might be wicked. The story might be naive. The pages of it might be enchanted. Every scene might be dangerous. But the story isn't gonna gone tragic if you only walked safely with your lover.

As the last pages turn when you and your lover might be engaged and soon you too might get married and he/she will be your spouse for the rest of your life someday, you can say that the happy ending for every traditional relationship, still exist on every individual.

Salute to that person who believes in Happy Ending would Still Exist. Someday, your children might get lessons from you and your stories might be their inspirations too when they grow up.

Furthermore, I can conclude that Happy Ending Still Exist when you are faithful, trustworthy, and have this resistance to get hurt.

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