Chapter 10

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It was the first time since finding out about her cub that Kosa went out of the den. She felt the breeze in her fur and wanted to start running to feel the freedom. But her current state could not allow her to run, since she still hadn't done any exercise. She went to the other lionesses, and the first ones to receive her warmly were Sarabi and Sarafina, which were teaching some lessons to the other lionesses.

"Kosa! It's good to see you outdoors" said Sarabi, while Sarafina just smiled at her.

When the two lioness finished with the lessons, they took Kosa on a walk.

"You have been almost a season inside that den, we thought you were never going to come out" said Sarafina, looking at her body, with a worried expression. "You have to come with us for the hunts. It will be good for you and it will give you the strength you had in the past"

Kosa agreed to meet both of them for the hunts. She wanted to start contributing somehow to the pride, since she felt that she was a weight for them. Evening soon came, and no one knew where Simba or Nala where. Kosa entered the royal den, just in case they had been hiding there, and she found them. They had been doing something, since both of them were panting and breathless.

When all of them reunited for dinner, Kosa forgot something that she had left in the den. Excusing herself from the reunion, she went back inside. She wanted to burn the leaves used to heal her, since she was completely healed physically. Looking for these items, she felt a presence inside the den. She tried to look, but the animal that was in the den was stronger than her, and she being weak, couldn't fight back.

Simba approached her quickly and told her.

"Kosa, let me do this, I need an heir" and with that he tried to get her. Surprised, Kosa felt strange. She did want this to happen, but at the same time, she didn't want to betray her best friend. Before she could do much, Simba had already pinned her to the floor. She tried to run away from him, but she felt his kisses on her back and couldn't help but enjoy it. In her mind, it was Halu that was back with her, but when she looked back, she saw that Simba was the one taking her, and the feeling of betrayal started to grow.

"No! Simba please, don't do this. I can't betray Nala."

Hearing this, somehow, made Simba push her harder, and she felt his claws in her hips. She roared at him, trying to get out from underneath him, but he was too strong for her. She kept trying and trying, making it hard for him to consummate, and kept on calling for help.

"Does anyone know where Simba is?" Nala asked when all the lioness had their portions in front of them.

"Weird, he never misses a dinner" Sarabi added, trying to see if she could find him by the scent. They all laughed at Sarabi's comment, but Nala had a weird feeling in her gut. She excused herself from dinner and tried to follow Simba's scent.

"Kosa went to look for something inside..." was the last thing Nala heard before hearing roars coming from inside of the den.

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