Chapter 7

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Kosa kept getting healthier and now her belly was even more noticeable. Nala and Kosa were almost always together, inseparable, and they had their simple tasks done all the time. They had time to go to the water hole to relax all day long, until sunset, when they went back to Pride Rock.

"This lifestyle is gonna take me to the asylum" Nala joked, and Kosa couldn't agree more.

"At least we are resting, well, it's good for me. I still can't understand why Simba doesn't let you do anything. Shouldn't you be worried?"

"Me neither" Nala looked up towards the sky, as if trying to decipher something unintelligible, ignoring completely the question Kosa asked. She did not know why was Simba so over protective with her. She needed some freedom. "The hunting parties must still be looking for prey. I feel useless!" and with that, she lied down near the water.

Kosa was about to mock her, when the ground started shaking. In the distance, Kosa could see that there were zebras coming their way, too many to count. 

"Nala! Run over to that tree as fast as you can!" Nala got up and started for the tree, climbing it with ease. Kosa, on the other hand, was trying to do her best to climb the tree, but her still weak body and the lack of exercise did not help.

"Kosa!" Nala tried to reach her, but it was too late. The zebras took Kosa with them.

Nala tried to look from where she was to see where she might have landed, but the dust that the zebra's hooves raised made the search almost impossible.

"Nala?" One young lioness that was in the hunt, noticed that Nala was up in the tree and looking for something. They immediately stopped. Nala got down once she realized what had happened.

"No, no, no, no! It can't be." She started running towards the herd of zebras looking for Kosa. The others followed her to the spot where Kosa was. When they arrived, Nala went to her fallen body, which was laying still in the grass. The only noticeable movement was the shallow breathing that came from her chest. But around her body was a small amount of blood on the ground, and it was no doubt that it was Kosa's blood.

"Kosa, please, wake up!" Nala said, tears falling from her eyes, while she tried to push her over to get her up. Kosa tried to say something, but it only came as a muffled noise. She couldn't open her eyes either, and the pain in her body was unbearable.

"Call Simba immediately, tell him to bring Rafiki" Nala said to the young lioness, and they immediately ran to Pride Rock.

"Kosa, stay with me please. I need to know you're here".

After some minutes, Simba arrived with Sarabi and Sarafina. Nala took place besides her mother while Simba and Rafiki went to the horrifying scene. Rafiki gently touched Kosa's wound to see how deep it was, but Kosa started objecting with her loud groans.

"Nala" Simba approached her and nuzzled her. She tried to stop crying, but she needed to know if her best friend was going to be alright. Besides her friend, she also wanted to know how the cub was.

"This is all my fault" Nala said, covering her face with Simba's mane. He looked at Sarafina, who was right next to them and sighed.

"Nala, it's not your fault! Don't blame yourself" he said.

"She was trying to save me! How can I not blame myself?" Nala looked at Simba's concentrated expression, but he just looked at her and pulled her closer to him. He went back to where Rafiki was. With the help of him, they were able to take Kosa back to the den.

Rafiki covered up her wounds, and he noticed something strange about her stomach. The cub was starting to move a lot, and he got worried that it wouldn't make it. He had to consult with both Nala and Simba in order to make a decision.

"It looks like the cub is not going to make it" Rafiki said, leaning on his stick.

Nala sighed. She wanted Kosa to be happy after what had happened with Halu. Now, however, she was going to lose everything she had.

"I'll tell her" Simba said, standing with his head tall and confident.

"You won't! I am responsible for that cub's death!" Nala looked startled. Simba dismissed Rafiki, and got close to Nala. She was still in shock and he noticed that she was trembling.
"Nala, I already told you. It isn't your fault. Accidents happen"

"Yes I know, but if it weren't for me she would have been safe resting inside the den, and not risking her life like she did"
Simba just sighed. He was unable to change Nala's mind, but deep inside he knew she was not guilty at all. In fact, he was the one to blame, since he had changed the hunting routes. 

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