"Well, I was hoping for a kinder invitation, but you're forcing my hand here."

Xan turned around slowly to meet Neron's eyes. 

"I can't have you running off with an ancient one, not until I can ensure what you intend to do with her."  Neron's face became more serious.  "Surely you know what will happen if you turn her over to the Torian empire."

"It's not like that," Xan answered calmly.

Neron's eyes seemed to flash with a red shimmer.  "The hell it isn't! If the empire wasn't pulling your strings, you'd fall over on your face!"

I could feel Xan's body tense.  His eyes now glimmered red as well.  He was angry.

"I need to keep her safe," he seethed, the tone so sharp it cut right through Neron as if this was something new for him.

Neron's face softened and he looked at Xan sternly.  "Then you definitely need to come with us."

Xan's body remained tense and his eyes glared at Neron, pensively debating internally.  I had no idea what he was thinking or even planning. 

"Xan," I whispered and he looked at me, eyes warming slightly.  "Can we trust them?"

He sighed. "Yes," he answered simply as if answering himself at the same time.

He looked at Neron.  "Alright, we will come.  Just don't waste my time."

Neron laughed heartily, slapping Xan on the back as we all scurried for the exit.  "There's that charm I've missed so much!"  He flashed Xan a grin.  "It's gonna be just like old times again, ain't it, partner?"

Partner? That surprised me.  What history did these men have and how could they have worked together? Xan was a solitary stickler for the rules and these beings didn't seem like they cared much for abiding by laws.  I had so many questions, but now first we needed to escape.

Before we exited the building, everyone tapped their wristbands and the crystalized fields surrounded them, providing gravity protection.

Xan placed me gently on my feet, holding his arm around me securely to ensure I was stable enough to stand.  He reached into the pocket of his thin, black leather jacket and pulled out a breathing mask for me along with a wristband, just like his.  His eyes were focused as he placed the mast on my face gently and snapped the wristband around my wrist.  It was like flexible black plastic that contorted to my writs and once applied, I gasped in surprise as the edges smoothed and melted together creating a perfect fit. 

A small smirk tugged at Xan's mouth, loving my awkward reaction to the things he found so normal.  He tapped band and a hologram floated above, showing several symbols I was unfamiliar with. I watched as he quickly tapped through and finally pressed one with an 'x' in a circle.  Suddenly I felt a quick chill like a cool breeze caressed my body.  The crystalized field wrapped around the curves of my body just like it had the others.  It rested on my skin ever so gently and tickled.  It was a strange feeling.

Xan quickly activated his protection as well and looked at me sternly. 

"Stay close to me," he insisted and I nodded.

Xan shot the others a ready nod and Neron opened the door to exit the building. 

The large doors slid open and revealed four terrifying beings that seemed to be 7 foot tall and muscular.  They resembled Torians, but larger like giant bodybuilder warriors.  They wore black jumpsuits and their faces were covered in tribal tattoos.  Their faces were expressionless as a familiar face appeared from behind them and I felt a pang of terror.

Dr. Alano stepped forward with a grimace so foul it could have brought me to my knees.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me," he snarled, looking at me possessively.

A dark look drew across Xan's face and his eyes took on a black tone.  He stepped in front of me protectively and drew his a laser gun forward, which then encouraged the same from Neron and his crew.

"She will never belong to you," Xan answered aggressively.

Alano seemed amused.  "And of what interest is she to a pitiful dog of the Torian Empire?  You have no other purpose but to follow orders.  Or are you one of the Outliers drifting along in a meaningless existence to do nothing more but rebel against your own people?"

Neron scowled at Alano's words, but Xan didn't react.

"My motives are none of your concern.  Perhaps I should pursue the illegal trafficking of beings to perform off the record experiments that put shame to the concept of ethics.  Would that make my existence 'meaningful'?"

Alano's cold eyes showed no response, they remained an icy silver.

"I suggest you hand her over to me now," Alano threatened with an evil smile, looking at his four beings.  "These Vykas I brought with me are geared up to do what they do best...kill."

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