♥03♥ Flow like water

Beginne am Anfang

"Senpai! Senpai, why did you..." She stood up and grabbed his arms, trying to make him come back to reality. When she looked into his eyes, she can see that they were voided of all emotions. "Yukio-senpai..." 

"I will protect you, Mitsuru... I won't let anyone hurt you..." Kasamatsu said to her, pulling her into a hug. "Did he touch you?" 

"No... He was about to...b-but then you came..." 

"That's good..." 

"Senpai..." Mitsuru cried in the embrace. 


That day, I didn't understand why she cried...

Kasamatsu Yukio finally woke up. He found himself sleeping in Kaijou's infirmary. Mitsuru was watching over him, she too had been sleeping too but she woke up before he did and she didn't want to go to class so she stayed instead.

"Yukio-senpai, you're awake."

"What happened? Kise was about to..." He can't remember what happened afterwards because it's all a blank right after he saw Kise try to take her away. 

"Kise said he's going back to base." 

"I see..." 

"You stopped him from taking me away... Thank you." 

"Of course I did! I wouldn't let him take you away without a fight!" 

"That's just like you." Mitsuru reached for his hand and held it. He always made her worry about him...

"Hm? You're being affectionate?" 

"Shut up, Senpai..."

She doesn't care about a lot of things but Kasamatsu Yukio was in a different category to her. To her, he's her hero and he will always be one in her eyes. That's why even if he decided to join WINGS, she will do the exact same thing once she graduates too.

"Mitsuru, do you still remember the events from 2 years ago?" 

"...What about it?" Mitsuru asked, not understanding why Kasamats brought it up all of a sudden. 

"Why did you cry that day?" 


"You didn't cry when that guy hurt you. Why did you cry after I saved you?" 

Mitsuru sighed and looked at the hand she's holding. She and himself were the only ones who knew how they were stained on that day. Every day, she's reminded that it's because she was weak that Kasamatsu forced himself to commit a crime. Mitsuru cried because she couldn't do anything to prevent that from happening; if only she was stronger, then Kasamatsu wouldn't have to force himself to kill anyone...

He always told her that he regretted nothing; he saved her in the end, he was willing to spill blood in order to save someone. For Mitsuru, the incident made her wake up to the cruel reality of living within the dome; you have to be a strong person. She doesn't care what happened inside the world of the dome or what's going on outside of the dome, as long as she was strong enough to survive, that's all it matters.

"Mitsuru?" Kasamatsu Yukio's her driving force, he's the reason why she would bother to try her hardest even though she doesn't care about being a perfect soldier. She's not fighting for anyone, she's fighting so she can atone for her past weak self.

"Didn't you once told me to keep looking forward? I am fine, that is enough." 

Kasamatsu decided to leave it at that; there's no problem in believing in her words. Maybe someday he will know...

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt