Chapter 2

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Oh yeaaaah, Nerd Miller is back! Tell me, are you enjoying this super-nerd story? Or should I stop and delete it because it's the worst thing you read in your entire life? D:

I couldn't wait to show you chapter 2, so here it is! Read and tell me what you think! :D


"Miss Miller, can you explain why you are late for my class?" Yes I do, sweetheart. A stupid guy tried to take advantage of me in the hallway. What do you think about that, is it good enough for you?

"I'm really sorry Mr. Barker, I was picking up my bag in the courtyard. It..." At that moment I heard John saying "if you tell him anything, you're dead" so I decided to respect my sweet and beautiful life. "It fell of the window. Yeah, that's it."

"Miller, how clumsy you are. " Correction: John Gates, you giant beast who only knows to make my life miserable.

"Yeah, it seems so." I heard laughs from the entire class and I looked down sitting quietly in my place. "I'm sorry." I mumbled trying to finish the conversation.

"I won't send you to detention, but you'll have to show the school to the new student." New student? "Mr Way, please present yourself." Wait a minute... MR WAY? Oh, it can't be Gerard, it can't be! IT CAN'T BE! Juliet, take it easy, Way is just a common surname. Yeah, it's probably that way." Is it for today or you rather do it tomorrow?" I didn't even looked at him. I didn't want to look at Way's face again.

"My name is Michael Way and I'm new here... wellthat'sobviousright." YEAAAAH, thank you so much man! I couldn't even imagine having Gerard in my class. I looked up and I saw the most nerdy guy I've ever seen in my whole life. Nerdy and hot. What a perfect union.

His light brown hair fell perfectly on his eyes, which were of the same colour. They were hidden behind some really nerdy glasses. His skin was as white as Gerard's. And I could swear I had seen physical likeness between them.

Oh, shut up Juliet! You're seeing Gerard everywhere and you only met him like... 10 minutes? Yeah, that's right.

"Look, another nerd to make company to Miller!" Ashley-yeah-I'm-a-peroxide-blonde spoke. Have I already told you that I hate her? Well, I hate her. "Now I can say our generation is ruined." Everyone laughed at the blonde's non-funny joke and I kept looking at Michael. He was looking down with a sad look on his face. Welcome to hell, Michael Way.

"Class, is this the way to welcome the new student?" Thank you very much Mr Barker, you just make Way's life worse. And why? You'll see.

"Oh, Mr Barker, do you really think our welcomes are like this? Michael, Michael... you will be welcome in the best way." When you realize Michael will already be hanging to the School flag pole... by his underwear. Or who knows, locked inside a locker or falling in the cafeteria with his tray in his hands. I feel sorry for you Way, I really do.

"But keep going... Michael, you can sit right next do Miss Miller. You will be partners during this year." Really? Oh, I love you my dear Mr Barker! No more cheerleaders projects to do! And the best of it? My partner is Michael! I'm a nerd, he's a nerd. We were meant to be lab partners!

My class ended up really soon between unpleasant comments from my classmates about nerds and the only thing I could think was: Michael Way e Gerard Way. It was too much of coincidence both having the same surname. I had to investigate that fact. That's right, my name is Juliet Miller but you can call me Detective Miller. It was supposed to be funny? No? I alsothought so.


Time to get started, Miller.

And there I was walking next to Mr Nerd Way. I mean, Mr Mikey Way. Oh, awesome, I liked the nickname, I'll use it!

"So... are you enjoying it here?" I asked, trying to break that awkward silence.

"I just got here today." Oops, I didn't know that ok Mr I'm too cool to be nice?

"And the school... do you like it?" I know, unnecessary questions but I really hate silence, okay? So let me talk, sing, scream and... okay, I'll just shut up.

"It's quite okay." He shrugged. I sighed and gave him a simple "oh" to an answer as dry as those Africa deserts.

"So, Michael Way..." Without even noticing I said his name out loud. You know, sometimes I tend to talk to myself out loud. Who knows, I'm just crazy.

"What's up with my name?" He looked at me with that is-it-suppose-to-be-funny look.

"Nothing. It's just... I met a guy who has the same surname."

"Gerard Way, right?" Michael are you a wizard? Or... you can just be from his family. Yeah, that's it.

"Yup, do you know it?"

"It's obvious I know him, he's my brother!" He spoke as if it was the most obvious thing on earth and everyone new that Gerard plus Michael means brothers. I mean, everyone except me.

But wait a minute... They're brothers?! So, that means if I marry Michael, Gerard will be the uncle of my baby? Is that it? Then we'll say "Uncle Gee, look what my mother help me to do!" and he'll show something really cute that only I know how to and then Gerard will look at me with that i-want-you look and he'll answer "i know, you're mother is very good... at everything". And then I'll be seen as the whore who slept with Gerard and Michael.

Juliet Miller, for gods sake will you wake up for once! You are a nerd, okay? Nerd. You could never in your entire life marry a guy like Gerard, I mean, Michael. Gerard is not part of my plans, I don't want a guy who only thinks about one thing: sex. Yeah man. I don't want to be Way's lunch. Oh no.

And if your wondering why am I looking at Mikey like a retarded... Is that I was thinking exactly about this you just read, but as Mikey is too slow and can't read mind, he was looking at me with a "yes girl, tell me at once what's wrong that I'm kinda scared of you right now". Yeah, I'm stupid I know.

"Erm... is anybody there?" Mikey was waving his and in front of my face trying to wake me up. Yes, I couldn't think about marry him at that time, with Michael himself in front of me right!

"What? Oh, sorry. I was distracted." It's amazing how I pass through two similar situations with Michael and Gerard. I mean, I act like a retarded with both! It's not like my face isn't stupid because itself is already extremely stupid and ugly. It's just that... bah, I don't know. I forgot what I was saying anyway! "So... who's the oldest one?"

"Gerard." Hottest one too, but I can hide that fact.

"So you're like the family mascot." I laughed at my non-funny joke and Michael kept looking at me really serious. What man, didn't anyone invented sense of humor in your town?

"It seems so." He just answered. Wow, what a strange dude.

"Listen, you don't know the entire school yet and I'll probably wont have time to show it now so... I should say it once... doyouwanttohavelunchwithme?" And if at this moment you're calling me stupid, yup I know I am okay? You don't need to say that. But it's not my fault. I don't know how to deal with boys.

"Miller, just listen to me, I know what you're trying to do but that won't work with me. I came to this school to avoid problems and all I don't want is to deal with people like you. So, do me a favor and don't talk to me, unless that is academically necessary, because I don't want to be hanged to poles anymore, to do others homework, clean uniforms or fall in the middle of the cafeteria. I just want to be a normal kid, okay?" Yeah, I understood. But what do I have to do with that? If you haven't noticed... I have practically "nerd" written on my forehead. I'm not the one who's going to hang you to poles, ask you to do my homework, to clean my uniform or to make you fall in the cafeteria. I'm the one who suffers this. I pass through it every single day. I'm the Nerd of this high-school and I'm not going to do that reception for you.

And before I could even answer, the bell rang and Michael walked away leading to the Maths. I mean, leading to the football team beasts. Bye Michael Way, I hope you enjoyed your last minutes of a good life.

I'm a nerd, he's a nerd. We're meant to be!Where stories live. Discover now