The Decimation

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This is a chapter full of people getting snapped. If you do not wish to read, go to the bottom and I will give you the full list of people who have been dusted.

Mark arrived at the gym, smiling and ready to punch something when his phone rang. He was confused, but once he saw it was Bob he picked up.

"Are you okay?!" 

"Jesus, Bob, yeah I'm okay. What's wrong?" Mark asked, pulling his gym bag out of the trunk.

"People everywhere are turning into dust! Mandy and I are okay but the news said a ton of people are turning to dust, but it looks like it's not just people!" He sounded like he had been crying.

"Oh shit, Amy," Mark realized, "I'll call you back in a minute!"

The YouTuber's hands trembled as he dialed his girlfriend's phone number. It rang. And rang. And rang.

"Hi! This is Amy, sorry I didn't pick up-" Within seconds Mark had redialed her. Same thing. He ran inside the gym, surprising the lady at the front desk.

"Turn on the news, right now," Mark demanded, trying to call Amy again.

"Oh my god!" The woman screamed. Mark turned to face her, his stomach dropping. Before his eyes, she began to fade away to dust, then got blown away by one of the fans. Mark couldn't breathe. Amy's voicemail played again.

Mark reached over and turned on the news as other patrons began to filter out. Mark watched as another one, a mother with her baby, turned to dust and left the baby. Instantly the baby began to cry. A woman next to her screamed.

"We're getting reports from everywhere that people are turning into dust. Does anyone know what happened?" The news castor was desperate and even cried at one point. Mark looked at the crowd around him, realizing just how bad things had just gotten.


Matthew and Stephanie turned on the news, as they normally would. They thought nothing of it until there was a scream on camera.

Matt was in the kitchen and ran into the living room to watch as the male news anchor began to turn to dust. It fell onto the desk and onto the other anchor as she continued to scream. Matt covered his mouth, trying not to puke.

"Matt...?" He heard behind him. Matthew turned quickly, watching in horror as Stephanie began to do the same thing.

"Oh no, no no no no no. Please don't go, baby, please!" Matt rushed over and cradled his wife, peppering kisses on her. What was happening? What would happen to Ollie?!

That question was answered quickly as the last of Stephanie faded away, revealing- much to Matthew's horror- a newborn, premature baby.

"Oh fuck," Matthew said, reaching for his phone. He dialed 911, picking the small thing up. Ollie was screaming, and Matthew was crying.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My wife just turned to dust but she was pregnant and now I'm holding a baby," Matthew didn't know how else to word it.

"We have another one!" The operator said distantly.

"Another one?" Matthew whispered.

"An ambulance is on the way, is the baby bleeding?" The operator asked.

Matthew looked all over Ollie, "No, I don't think so. He's... I think he's covered in something." He should be smarter than this.

"See if you can wipe it off him with a gentle wipe," The operator calmly said.

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