8. | S O C I A L |

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Niall's eyes trail the room of their friends, he last saw her coming back from the garden, his gaze lands on her by the drinks table, finger running the rim of her empty wine glass, lip pulled between her teeth. The way she's nervously fidgeting with her hair, dress, anything is a sure sign she's done with being social.

Niall excuses himself from his group of friends, takes long strides to the drinks and slides up next to her, his arm slipping round her waist, drawing her into him tightly "you ready to go soon? You're fidgety" he drops the lightest kiss to her cheek after he's done whispering in her ear.

She turns to him, a small smile pulled on her lips, eyes darting over his face she turns her body fully into his "I wish it was possible to marry you everyday" she giggles her heart almost swelling to burst at his kindness and how he just knows her so well. 

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