16. | P U P P Y |

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Niall took your hand as you made your way up the driveway, you had both finally decided to get a dog. Niall worried about you when he was away on tours, promotional trips or writing breaks to LA that you couldn't go to because of university or work. He had been thinking of getting a dog for a while, to keep you company and give him peace of mind.

You'd been looking online for dog rescues, trying to find the perfect rescue. Finally, you'd settled on a few at Battersea and today was the day you got to might the one you thought would fit effortlessly into your lives. Niall had been excited all morning, up and out for a run before you'd even opened your eyes, and then he was back bundling through the door with a grin on his face as he smothered your face in kisses.

Niall was holding your hand tightly as you entered the reception area, the lady behind the desk smiled and you were shown to a greeting room to wait patiently. Niall's leg was jigging up and down a sign he was nervously excited, you rested your hand on his knee, he turned to you with a smile.

The door opened, your grip on Niall's knee tightened in anticipation, the unmistakable sound of paws padding along the floor filled the room, Niall was beaming at you as the small little terrier cross bounced through the door before its handler. "Oh look at him Ni" you whispered emotions ready to spill over hand over your mouth in shock at just how cute this little creature truly was.

Niall was the first one down on the floor, treats in his hand, he turned to look at you over his shoulder you smiled at him and got down on the floor, taking a treat from the bag. "this is Buddy, he's four years old and loves cuddles" the handler unhooked his lead and the terrier bounded over to you both.

The little dog was sat in your lap, Niall sat in front of you "he's so cute" Niall hummed, as Buddy licked at his hand, tail hitting excitedly on your leg, you could feel the tears ready to erupt in happiness "hey why are you crying?" Niall asked leaning forward to kiss you just on the corner of your lips, his thumb swiping the few escaped tears away.

Buddy wanted in on the action, reaching up to lick your cheek "I'm just so happy, he's perfect" you hiccuped "he's so comfortable with you both" his handler commented, Niall stood up brushing down the legs of his jeans "well that's a relief because we're definitely sold on him" he laughed lightly, helping you stand up, Buddy comfortably in your arms.


You made your way into the venue of the show, food for the guys in one hand and Buddy's lead in the other, he was running ahead stopping to sniff at all the new smells, waiting every so often for you to catch up and tell him to continue on. "Going to see daddy, huh Bud?" you cooed, still amazed at how your voice went into dog mum mode whenever you looked his way "he's going to be so excited to see you it's been a while hasn't it?" you reached down to clip his lead on as the corridor curved.

Finally, you reached the band's hangout room, opening the door Buddy nosed his way in tail wagging in excitement at what was behind the door. "Hello Bud" Niall's voice boomed from the other side of the room, Buddy was yelping in happiness at seeing his dad, tail in overload you placed the food on the nearest counter, unclipping his lead he dashed to Niall jumping into him, Niall scooped him up making his way back over to you "hey baby" he kissed your forehead "missed ya" he added, hooking an arm around your waist as Buddy wriggled in between you so overwhelmed giving Niall love.

"Hey bud hey slow down you got me for two months" he chuckled as the door opened again "Our angel brings foo-" John stopped midsentence noticing the little dog in Niall's arms "oh it's the legendary Buddy Horan" he grabbed a cold beer from the fridge before coming over, petting the excited dogs head "looks jus like ya mate" he joked nudging Niall with his elbow, Niall rolled his eyes, letting Buddy back onto the floor to make his way around the room greeting everyone.

You had always wanted a family with Niall and this was just the beginning.


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