y/n: "What are you doing?"

yeonjun: "Loosening you up."

y/n: "I--"

yeonjun: "Twirl."

y/n: (twirls)

yeonjun: "Another one!"

y/n: (twirls) 

yeonjun: "And a dip."

y/n: (dips)

yeonjun: "You really do look pretty tonight."

y/n: "Thanks. But Yeonjun?"

yeonjun: "Yeah?"

y/n: "Can you lift me back up? I feel the blood rushing to my head."

yeonjun: "Sorry." (lifts [y/n] back up) 

y/n: (laughs) "It's okay." 

yeonjun: "So, are you happy that I'm your chaperone for this dance?"

y/n: "I suppose."

yeonjun: "What can I do to turn that 'I suppose' into a 'hell yeah?'"

y/n: "Hm... you could get me a glass of water?"

yeonjun: "I'm on it."

[YEONJUN leaves]

girlfriend: "Remember our first dance?"

soobin: "Freshman year. So long ago."

girlfriend: "Don't worry, once we get to college, we'll be attending all the parties. There'll be time for lots of dancing."

soobin: "That's true. But, you know, aside from parties it'll be nice to just spend time together, right?"

girlfriend: "If I'm going to join a sorority, though, you have to be my date to all our gatherings."

soobin: "I know. We'll do more than just that, is what I mean."

girlfriend: "Of course! We'll have study dates and I'll sleep over at your dorm."

soobin: "I'll have to check in with my future roommate if he's okay with that."

girlfriend: "We can always kick him out."

soobin: "Um..."

girlfriend: "I'm kidding." (laughs) "You're so tense tonight. What's up?"

soobin: "Nothing."

girlfriend: (sighs) "Okay. Well, change of topic: are [y/n] and Yeonjun a thing?"

soobin: "No."

girlfriend: "Are you sure? They look like they're a thing." 

soobin: "They're not. Maybe in his head but [y/n] is still thinking about it."

girlfriend: "At the rate of how much he's making her laugh right now, I say by the end of the night she'll have made up her mind."

soobin: "Can we talk about something else?"

DJ: "Okay, everyone, let's slow it down!" 

[slow song begins playing] 

yeonjun: "You know, you're only the second girl I've slow danced with."

y/n: "Really?"

yeonjun: "Mhm. I usually don't go to school dances."

y/n: "Oh. I'm sorry."

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