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hueningkai: "Soobin's gonna be Iron Man, [y/n's] gonna be Cinderella, and I'm gonna be--"

y/n & soobin: "Ramen noodles."

hueningkai: "Yes! Isn't it hilarious?"

y/n: "Don't you think you'll bump into a lot of people at the dance?"

soobin: "Or maybe someone might eat you."

y/n: (laughs)

hueningkai: "Make fun all you want but watch: I'll win Most Original this year. I'll finally beat Taehyun. He's won every year!"

y/n: "What if Taehyun also goes as a package of ramen noodles?"

hueningkai: "...shoot, I didn't think about that. Should I go back and buy a back up costume in case?"

y/n: "I was kidding."

soobin: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll win Most Original. I never even knew a ramen noodles costume existed."

hueningkai: "Well, it does. I'm going to be iconic."

y/n: "I aspire to have your iconism."

hueningkai: "That's not even a word."

y/n: "It's in my Most Original Words list."

soobin: (laughs)

hueningkai: "Hmph. And who helped you find your Halloween costume? Your fairy godmother?"

y/n: "She might as well have been. She was the nicest store associate I've ever encountered."

hueningkai: "She should've found you a mask to cover that face of yours."

y/n: "If she gave me a mask, I would've just handed it to you so you could cover your face."

soobin: "Children, stop arguing please."

hueningkai: "She started it." (sighs) "Anyways, this is my stop. See you tomorrow?"

y/n: "I'll have a mask over my face so you might not be able to see me."

hueningkai: "Ha. Ha." (bikes away)

soobin: "Do you really think he'll win Most Original?"

y/n: "I hope so. He's wanted it since freshman year."

soobin: "We should spy on Taehyun and see what his costume is."

y/n: "Then that would be cheating."

soobin: "Is it cheating if it's helping a friend?"

y/n: "Cheating is cheating."

soobin: "Alright, alright." 


soobin: "So, I guess if you're going as Cinderella, Kai and I need to find your Prince Charming."

y/n: "I don't think so. I think I need a break from Prince Charmings of any kind."

soobin: "Your ex wasn't exactly a Prince Charming."

y/n: "True. But I don't really go to school dances, anyway. If I do, I don't have a date. I just go with Kai."

soobin: "That's a date."

y/n: "But it's not, if that makes any sense."

soobin: "I guess."

y/n: "What about you? Do you think you'll invite your girlfriend to any of this year's dances?"

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