"Don't worry I'll get you and your friend out of here alive. Just follow everything I tell you to do. For the first instructions, I want you to stay right here and don't make any noises." He nods his head at me as if to ask if I got it. I move my head and with that he quickly leaves the aisle.

Ok. Just sit here and be quiet. I can definitely do that-


I cry out a bit, but quickly gain my composure and cover my mouth real tight so no more noises can leave. "Whose back there?" I feel tears come streaming down my face. This is it. I'm going to die in the back of a god damn gas station. I haven't even tried weed yet. I can never live that yolo lifestyle-

I suddenly feel someone tackle me from behind and their hands are quick to cover my mouth back up. With the deepest voice I've ever heard, this person starts to talk in my ear,

"Listen. I have your friend already out of here. Follow what I say and you will get to be out of here safe and sound. Ok?" I furiously nod my head and the guy picks me up. He has my hands kept behind me for whatever reason.

I look up a bit to see the mirror in the corner and notice this guy is so freaking tall. He is obviously towering over the isles. How the hell is he going to get me out of here without getting caught.

"Hey. You two. What's going on?" I'm turned around so quick I thought I might get whiplash. Standing in front of us is a man with a gun and a ski mask covering his face. Seeing the gun makes me tremble a bit, but what makes me tremble even more is the events that happened next.

I see something come out from behind me and from the corner of my eye it looks black. Just as I was turning my head to examine what it is, a loud ringing goes through my ears. I'm suddenly facing forward just to see the ski mask guy go down.

I don't even have time to process that a man is lying in a pool full of his own blood because I'm being dragged out of the gas station. As soon as we make it out I see red jacket guy off to the side, dragging along Keonhee. Making way towards a black honda.

At this point I've just went numb.

I allow the tall guy to drag me to the honda and push me inside. Once in I look out the window and see the tall guy grab another tall guy, with blue hair, and bring him in for a kiss. "Oh my god. He couldn't have waited to do that once they were inside the car? Don't nobody got time for all of that." I look off into the drivers seat and see its red jacket talking. He looks back at me and smile.

"Aww. Make that frown go upside down. I told you I was going to get you out of there didn't I? Even got your friend too!" He bops my nose and I look over to my side. I finally regain my senses when I notice Keonhee is full on having a panic attack.

"Kee." I move closer to him and bring him to cuddle into my chest. "Kee. I'm going to need you to breath for me." Starting from 1, I count with him to regulate his breathing.

"Babyboy. Help him out and quickly put his seatbelt on him. You know how reckless, Yeosang likes to drive in moments like these." A presence on the side of me pushes me back and little and I feel a seat belt go across me. I give it no mind really and keep all of my attention on Keonhee. His breathing seems to go back regular and now he just opted for small sobs. I hug him tight and close my eyes, allowing a couple of tears to fall down.

My god. What are these guys about to do to us now? I would have rather died back there if they are going to held us hostage and torture us or something.

From the front seat I can make out a bit of the conversation red jacket was having. Doesn't exactly tell me what's going to happen, but all I can hope for is the best.

After some time of almost dying from the lack of skills from the driver, we pull up to this very big mansion.

What in the world?

I don't take notice that everyone else is already out the car until tall deep voice guy is trying to drag out Keonhee.

"Stop trying to fight me kid."

Since Keonhee is going hay wired, it makes me nervous and I go to try and keep him close to me, but someone is already trying to pull me out the car as well.

He kicks and flay his arms as best as he could while both of us are being dragged to what seems to be a barn in the back. We completely pass the big mansion and just make way to the back. This can not be good.

Standing in the center of this barn, dare I say it, a very attractive guy. Black hair with some red highlights. Swinging a bat, showing off his arms in a white muscle tee.

Is it bad that I have no problem with all of this if he will be the last thing I see before I die.

I'm a college broke student who doesn't even know what they even want to do with their degree once they graduate for it.

Yes, i'm numb to everything else going around me, but horny has not special time or place for it, but I won't let it get to the best of me!

Mine.  Ateez  Gang AU {UNDER EDITING AND NO WHERE NEAR COMPLETED AS A STORY} Where stories live. Discover now