A Wolf Amongst Sheep

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     Patrick sat quietly in the corner of the room, reading a book called The Diary of a Young Girl in silence as I looked over the journals found in Simon's room. I knew what the book he was reading was about, but I never personally read it. My mom's husband, Mark, told me that I didn't need to read shit about a stupid little girl in the past, but instead focus on shit that would help me survive anything. I wish I would've read it, instead, I listened to him. I cringe at the thought of me listening to him now, especially after everything I found out.

     The journals were kind of like Simon's diary, so I guess it was like reading A Diary of an Old Man... except he want old. Some pages were filled with lists of supplies he needed, others were pages of recipes that he made himself, I smiled at the sight of the recipe for his Mexican lasagna; I could still smell the remnants of the smell of that night.


     "He's such a fuckin' asshole." I grumbled.

     "Oh, stop." Simon chuckled.

     "Seriously, how do ya put up with 'em?"

"He and I are usually on the same page, so we don't butt heads much."


"Well, not keeping secrets from him is usually a good place to start."

"Ugh." I groaned with frustration. "I know I dropped the ball—" Simon raised his eyebrow at me. "Okay, I fucked up."

"Still an understatement, but I'll take it." Simon smirked from across the kitchen table.

"Anyways, I know I fucked up, but I was tryin' to protect 'em; he had no right to talk to me like that."

"Negan's a big boy, Michaela, he can take care of himself. You're right though, he had no right to talk to you like that. A man who talks to his wife like that is no man at all."

"You're damn right, he ain't. What husband calls their wife a stupid bitch?" Loud banging filled our ears, causing us to turn towards the door.

     "A mad one." Simon wipes his mouth off on his towel and rose to his feet. "Stay here, I'll deal with him." The banging continued and Simon made his way over to the door. Slowly, he opened it, but he didn't say a word, just stared at him in silence.

     "Where is she?" Negan grumbled; I could tell he's had more than a few drinks.

     "She's busy."

     "Doin' what?"

     "Eating dinner."

     "She's comin' home, right now."

    "No, Negan, I don't think she is."

     "Excuse me?"

     "Look at yourself, you're fucking drunk, and you want me to send her home so you can yell at her some more? She's fucking pregnant, and I'm not gonna let you stress her out more than she already is." Simon slammed the door in Negan's face, locking it behind him; Negan instantly began to slam his fists against the door.

"OPEN THIS FUCKIN' DOOR RIGHT NOW! OPEN THE FUCKIN' DOOR!" Negan roared. Simon walked over to the table and sat back down to eat, but stopped when I didn't move. I couldn't stop staring at the door, wondering if he was gonna break it down or give up.

"Don't pay him any attention." Simon gently placed his hand on mine. "You just relax and eat, he'll tire out eventually and go back to the room."

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