chap. 8

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it's crazy how in just a few minutes your emotions can go one point to another. literally just a few minutes ago i was so happy to give brooke her gift. the smile on her face and seeing the tears of what i thought was from happiness was in her eyes. apparently i was very wrongly mistaken. she's sad, but who wouldn't be if they were in her position? coming from an abusive home to be in some stranger's home. what was i thinking? i made things so hard on her.
when i went in her room to see that she wrote a goodbye i note i yelled for debby while dialing brooke's number into my phone. she didn't answer so i attempted to call back but it went straight to voicemail. did she block me? did her phone die?
while panicking debby came in. "where's brooke?" she said with a concerned look on her face. i showed her the note and asked her what did brooke mean. i really don't know what she meant because i thought they were kicking it off pretty well. "i was upset that brooke ruined our holiday, i may had said somethings..." debby said with the concerned look gone, now she had quieted down. "i'll deal with you later but for now debby, you could really leave my house." i said with the a serious tone. "but josh-" "NOW!" i demanded, i couldn't believe her.
i checked brooke's location and saw she was at the bridge that's very far from my house. how did she even get there? me and debby ended up leaving at the same time but she had a suitcase full of stuff with a cab outside and i was getting inside my car, to go save a girl.

an; a double chapter for you guys since i haven't been active, sorry.

i'll keep moving; tøp fan ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang