But she could at least try to keep from making it worse. She'd gotten her wish of getting to know him a little last night, and it was just enough to worry her, to make her feel that pang of warmth in her heart that went beyond the connection of their bodies. Just seeing his smile now affected her a bit deeper. And Lord, how she'd let go of her inhibitions last night in a way she never had before All because of him, because he'd willed it, wanted it.

So turning down a day of fun in the snow with him was torturout, but wise.

"Guess I'l have to fall back on Tommy again. I'l let you get back to work, and I'l be out of your hair soon, snowflake." He said it all very dramaticaly, as if he were greatly put upon, and she tossed him a playful smirk just before he disappeared back up the stairs.

Twenty minutes later, Justin came trotting back down, looking rugged and hot in blue jeans and a gray cable-knit sweater with the sleeves pushed up. "I'm gonna hang at Tom's
for awhile, then head down the mountain to pick up a few more groceries. Any special requests?"

"Just a kiss good bye." She wanted to smack herself as soon as the words left hernit sounded romantic, like something a girlfriend would say.

She relaxed, though, when he strode easily to the desk and bent to give her a soft, sweet kiss that curled her toes.

"So, your friend," she said, "what does he do that he can just ski or hang out whenever he feels like it?"

"He designs computer games. Sets his own schedule. Which reminds me," he added with a tilt of his handsome head, "would you mind if I invited Tommy to dinner tonight?"

Xenia hoped the surprise didn't show on her face. She couldn't help suffering some disappointment that he'd want dinner with a friend to interrupt their hot and heavy sex, since as last night had proven even dinner could be foreplay. But she said, "Sure, that's fine."

"Tommy didn't seem quite himself yesterday. Apparently he had an ugly breakup last fall and hasn't really recovered. I figure maybe he could use the company, a change in routine or something."

"Oh." Guilt for her selfishness instantly reamed her. "Well, yes, definitely invite him." She supposed, now that it was sinking in a little, she was also touched that Justin would allow her into his personal life this way, since having his friend over to dinner with them made her feel almost relevant in his life, not like someone he was keeping under wraps. "What does Tommy know about me?" the musing prompted her to ask.

"Just the basics. That you're a writer here on retreat. That I saw you through the webcam and thought you were hot so came up to meet you."

She sucked in her breath. "Whoa, he knows you watched me?"

"Relax, snowflake. He has no idea what I watched you doing. I promised you that was just between us, remember? He thinks I just saw you walking around the house or working at the computer. Clothes on." He winked. "And he thinks I then rudely shoved my way into your retreat with no regard for your privacy."

She smiled with relief, then uttered her next thought. "Though I guess he knows we're sleeping together now."

Justin shrugged with his usual confidence. "Wouldn't make sense for me to still be here barging in on your retreat if we weren't. But it's no big deal."

Ah, the statement reminded her these were playboy types who had lots of girlfriends, lots of wild affairs. It eased her mind about meeting Tommy, under the circumstances, but also forced her to remember she was one of many. So it was a darn good thing she wasn't getting attached to Justin, and a good reason to keep making sure she didn't.

As she watched her lover walk out the door, it occurred to her she'd been in this house not quite a week yet. But in that time, she'd written half a book and had the most outrageous, scintil ating affair That she ever or never could have imagined. "So what's the deal with this girl at your house?" Tommy asked as they sat watching the snow fall out the window and sharing a couple of beers.

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