Talking With Each Other

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- What about school? What about Kevin? - I asked her

- Well.. Kevin will stay and dad got a promotion.. You'll attend Selena's school..

The minute my mother said that, Dee started chocking on her food and coughing

Everyone started to help her - Are you okay love? - my mother asked

Dee looked up still coughing and smiled nodding


When she said they were going to my school I chocked on my food.. I couldn't have them in my school.. I mean.. I guess it would change nothing really..

New York..

Just thinking about going back makes me shiver uncontrollably

- I gotta go the bathroom..

I stood up and heard Denise say that it was upstairs on the left

I went upstairs and walked towards the first door

I locked myself in it and looked in the mirror.. why was I so nervous? I don't have reasons to be so nervous right? technically.. I did nothing wrong..

I sat in the end of the bathtub and ran a hand through my hair..

My phone vibrated and I smiled

"Hello Demi.. wanna tell me your full story now?"

I took a deep breath and scratched my head "You sure you're ready to hear?"


I took a deep breath and took the last bite of my food

She was typing for ages now..

Dee came downstairs and I got up from my seat.. to go to the kitchen to cover the fact that I received a message from Demi

I scrolled down her text seeing how she battled against her rapist father.. how she's bullied and ashamed of being herself.. How she cuts herself and thinks she's ugly and fat..

Tears came into my eyes the moment I read all of this

- Nicholas.. are you okay? - I heard the American girl ask

Shit.. I didn't wanted for her to see me cry.. - Yeah.. just emotional.. Go ahead and joke how sissy it is..

She frowned - It's not sissy.. You should be able to cry sometimes..

- Yeah..

She walked away and I typed "Wow.."


"You're really strong Demi.. I wish I could be with you.."

"Like what?"

I smiled and continued typing "Like something :) Gotta go.."

"Bye Nick.. goodnight"

I smiled "Goodnight love.."


I smiled as I read goodnight love written in my phone

"What's up with the love?"

I waited a few seconds blushing

"You're a lovely girl and I love you"

I giggled just as Nicholas got in the living room with Joseph

"I love you too"


I smiled sitting next to Dee and put my phone in my pocket. I was starting to grow some feelings about this American girl.. she was just so sweet and so strong..

A few minutes into the talk show, Selena sat next to me and Dee got up to go upstairs.. I continued watching the TV show when my phone started ringing.. I checked and it was Demi

I got up and walked outside with the phone in my hand grabbing a coat in the process.. my heart was beating so fast for her.. she just made me a different man..

As soon as the cold air of London hit my face, I pressed answer and put the phone in my ear

- I was kinda hoping you would pick it up.. - she said with what seemed a smile

I blushed and looked down while I played with the grass in my front yard.. - Yeah.. I still am not in bed..

- Well.. bad for you, great for me - she giggled

I smiled - I wish I could at least see your face..

She sighed - believe me.. I would love to see yours.. you are my best friend.. you know that right?

I chuckled - Yeah.. I do.. I love you too love

She laughed deeply and I seriously fell more in love with her

- One day we will meet..

- That day might be closer than you think - I smirked

- What do you mean?

- Summer.. New York.. me and you.. - I chuckled

- You're coming to New York? - she asked excited

- Yep..

- Oh my god! - she giggled - Yes... finally something good in my life!


I heard Demi scream upstairs and then Nick laugh.. It really looked like they were talking with each other but that was impossible..

I walked upstairs - What's happening here?

- I'm just talking with a friend.. - she smiled looking up at me since she was sitting in the ground

- Okay... please keep it down.. thanks..

I left and walked downstairs and heard Nick ask "Who was it?"

My eyes widened and I ran outdoors taking his phone off of his hand. I looked at it and my eyes widened even more when I saw "ddlovato" in his phone

I gave it back to him and took a deep breath..

They were talking with each other..

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