Chp 15: Hiccup's family united/ love desire (LEMON)

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Warning here is a bit R-rated

Third P.O.V

And so, Hiccup, his mom, Nin, Toothless and the other dragons went out and have something to eat, with the help of the Alpha, he made a big splash and made all the fishes flew up in the sky for all the dragon to catch it. Nin thought it was interesting the way her uncle help the all the dragons got their share. 

After their full meal, the dragons began with their exercise and fly around. Nin decided to sing a bit so they could fly a bit longer. Her song effect all of her surroundings and all of the dragons began to felt relaxed and started to fly around smoothly, even an injured dragon who flew slowly didn't feel any pain from flying. Not only that affect the dragons but humans too. Hiccup felt it before when he fly with Nin and began to feel relaxed, but for Valka, it was her first time and she was surprised that she felt relaxed and calm when she heard Nin's singing. 

After a long pleasant flight, they went back again while Hiccup and Toothless decided to stay outside a bit longer. Valka decided to take the opportunity to talk with Nin alone and brought her inside the cave. "What do you think of this place, Nin?" Valka randomly asked.

"It feels like home. I like to stay here if possible." Nin smiled.

"You have a unique power when you sing. I don't think any dragons have that kind of ability." Valka wanted to know where she learnt this ability from.

"It was 12 years ago. I realised this ability when I suddenly sing it. It changes depends on my emotion and desire." Nin explained.

"Was it something that you can tell me about? There might be bad guys might take advantages of you. Aren't you afraid that I might be bad too?"

"You are Hiccup's mom. I can trust you." Nin smiled.

"You like my son, right?" Valka wanted to confirm and Nin nodded. "Have you ever want to tell him? about your feelings?"

Nin didn't say anything, Valka then asked again. "Is it because you have Toothless?"

"Toothless said he didn't mind sharing his mate as long is Hiccup," Nin said.

"Oh my, your mate really cares about you since you have a body of a human," Valka said in surprised. "Isn't that great? Since you mate allow you."

"But... I don't know if Hiccup will accept me." Nin looked down feeling disappointed.

In Valka mind was like, oh dear these two stubborn children, stubborn and yet adorable. She the patted Nin's head which made her looked at Valka. "My dear child, you are a human. Follow your heart and your desire. I'm sure it's going to be just fine."

Nin's P.O.V

I listened to Hiccup's mom's advice. Follow your heart, that was something that I haven't heard for a long time. I then finally smiled and nodded. Not long, I heard a weird echo voice coming from the tunnel, I quickly went forward and found out it was Gobber then later, Hiccup's father. He went past me, avoid collided with me despite being in the narrow cave. Not long Hiccup arrived and I stopped Hiccup, "Why is he angry?"

"He's not listening." Hiccup said as he grabbed my hand and asked me to follow him. I realised the hand he was holding mine. I never knew it was this big before. Does his hand always bigger than mine?

We arrived back to where Valka was and there, stood Hiccup's father and mother, standing face to face. "I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find the answer, but did any of you listen?" Valka said as she continued. " This is why I never married. This, and one other reason. I know that I left you to raise Hiccup alone, but I thought he'd be better off without me, and I was wrong."

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