Chp 9: The flight show

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You guys perfer reading this story a.s.a.p instead of listening to my nonsense crap right? So here it is...

Hey everyone, I'm back! I'm so sorry that I had delay this story for so long. Like already two years since. Have you all watch the latest movie of 'How to train your dragon 3'? Before that, I knew it that there will be a light fury (but of course, not in a half human version)
So in order to prevent any confusion, I'll either try to end at season 2 or blend till season 3, but will see how it goes.

Third P.O.V

The morning light ray shone towards to Hiccup, causing him to woke up. Taking a long deep breath and smiled when he sees Nin sleeping soundly next to him. While he was staring at her sleeping beauty, didn't realised that Toothless was watching him with his toothless grin on his face. "Ugh, stop staring at me with that kind of face, Toothless."

Hiccup voice woke Nin up. "Oh, sorry. Did I wake you up?"

Nin then made a full cat scretch, rubbed her eyes and looked at Hiccup and smiled, "It's ok. I am up anyway."

Time skipped to the outside

The rest were outside of the cliff near to the sea while waiting for Hiccup, Nin and Toothless. When they arrived, each of them began with their dragon flight show.

First was the twins, who have a huge fight flight, Nin was wondering how does this dragon could handle these humans. Second was Snotlout, which was not a full cooperative one, it was a tough flight but a good landing.

Fishleg was next, who just go one small lap flight. "Seriously? I was expecting a better one." Ruffnut complained.

"I'm next!" Astrid declared and climbed up to Stormfly. "Enjoy the show, Hiccup~" she winked at him and glared at Nin as she passed by her. Nin was confused by her action but that didn't bother her.

The perfomance was better than the rest of the three. It was the best so far. As Astrid jumped down from her dragon after the flight show, she went towards to Hiccup and gave him a hug. Somehow, Nin was uncomfortable with it. "How was my show, Hiccup?"

"It was amazing, milady." Hiccup hugged back and smriked at her. "But not as good as I am."

"Oh really?" Astrid mocked at him and show him the open air. "Prove it."

Hiccup get ready for the flight with Toothless. He then looked at Nin, who was looking at him. He smiled and patted her silky white hair. "I will be back for the short flight."

Finished saying to her, he ran to Toothless and both of them began to fly. It was an amazing teamwork, doing a double spin, free fall and other amazing perfomance they could do. As they were thought it was over, all of the sudden Hiccup let go off Toothless, spread out his both arms and began to fly.

Everyone was surprised, followed by the cheer at his perfomance. For the first time, a human is flying side by side with a dragon. The show ended and everyone was cheering at his perfomance. When he went to Nin, she stuttered, "You- you can fly?!"

"Well, not exactly... Its with the help of these suit I wear." Hiccup explained and show her the fake leather wings on his suit.

"But, but you are flying, that's awesome! You can fly with the dragons." Nin said with excitement.

Hiccup just loved to see Nin's reaction as he find it too adorable to bear. While keeping his cool, telling that it was her turn to shine. Nin nodded and ran to the edge of the cliff and dived down. They were expecting to see her take off at the last minute before she touched the water but wrong, she dived straight into the ocean which gave all of them a shock and they all, especially Hiccup and Toothless began to worried.

Nin knew very well what she was doing, she took a high speed with spinning, creating a water votex following her and all the way up to the sky like a long snake and ended it as the vortex exploded, becoming a rain which the sunlight shines at it and formed a rainbow liked halo.

As Nin landed backed, she was surprised, not only the gang but some of the people in the village stopped and watched the show. Everyone had their mouth open, shocked and amazed by her performance, quickly surrounded her and compliment her. From there, she then thought; there really are good human after all.

You are not the only one HTTYD (HiccupXHalf-DragonReaderXToothless)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum