Arthur Morgan: I'll Handle it

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Arthur catches Micah harassing you, that crosses a line.

Word Count: 1400

Micah would often flirt with the women of the camp. Sometimes you wondered whether he actually thought he was being charming or not, because everyone just thought he was creepy. The women didn't like when he would talk to them but you had grown used to his creepiness, he had never actually touched you so you could deal with some stupid comments every now and again.

"Morgan's been real busy recently, hasn't he?" Micah's voice came from behind you and you tensed a little. Arthur had been out of camp all day, doing something for Dutch, and you had just finished your chores so you wanted to go for a short walk among the trees outside of the camp. But being away from camp with Micah made you feel uncomfortable.

"I suppose. If you did something around here, he wouldn't be so busy" you shrugged, not even turning to face him. You just kept walking, hoping he would go away.

"Calling me lazy? You have no idea what I do for this gang" he scoffed, picking up his pace slightly so that he was walking beside you.

"All you seem to do is be an asshole. To be fair, you're really good at it" you shot him a sarcastic smile before turning around, deciding to walk back towards the camp.

"Alright, you gotta act all tough, I get it. But Arthur being gone all the time must be rather frustrating for you" Micah hummed, getting on your nerves even more now.

"What are you talking about?" you asked, glaring at him but still walking back to the camp.

"It must leave you rather...unsatisfied" Micah smirked as he stepped in front of you, making you almost walk into him as he placed his hand on your hip.

"I'm just fine, thanks" you snapped as you pushed his hand away from you roughly, but he just chuckled as you started to walk past him.

"Come on, don't be like that" Micah laughed as he turned you around to face him, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you against him. You huffed and placed your hands on his chest, trying to push him away. "Y'know, if Morgan is busy, I'd be happy to help ya" he smirked, his breath fanning against your face because of how close he was now.

"You're disgusting" you spat, still trying to push him away.

"A little fighter, ain't ya? I like that" Micah smirked against as he stepped forward, causing your back to hit the tree behind you. You just grimaced at him, he truly disgusted you. "Just remember, Doll, if you ever want something a bit just come to me. You won't regret it" he said as he lent forward, his lips brushing against your ear.

Arthur dismounted his horse as he returned to the camp. He walked over to Dutch, handing over the score, before he started searching for you. He wandered through the camp, normally you would greet him when he returned from a long day out of the camp but he couldn't even see you.

Asking John about your whereabouts, the younger man told him that you had wandered out of the camp a little while ago, pointing Arthur in the right direction. Arthur thanked him before walking in that direction. He didn't have to walk too far into the trees before he saw you.

Arthur froze at the sight in front of him. Micah had his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you against him as he pinned you against a tree. You were clearly beyond uncomfortable and trying to push him away but he wasn't moving much.

You push on Micah's chest again but he only laughs. Then, Micah is suddenly ripped away from you. It took you a minute to realise what happened but your gaze soon settled on a very angry looking Arthur.

"Morgan...come on, we were just having some fu-" Micah started to say, his voice mocking both of you as he raised his hands up in some sort of fake surrender. Thankfully, he couldn't finish his sentence because he was interrupted by Arthur punching him in the face.

You gasped out of pure shock when Arthur's fist collided with Micah's face and all you could do was watch with wide eyes, completely speechless. Arthur grabbed Micah's collar before punching him again, this time pushing him to the floor.

You still weren't sure what to do as Arthur straddled Micah's waist, still throwing punches while Micah fought underneath him. You figured that Micah might have had a better chance at getting Arthur off of him if Arthur wasn't so angry.

The issue was that you didn't really want to stop Arthur, you just couldn't feel bad for Micah since he totally deserved it. In fact, you were actually glad that Micah was getting what he deserved. As long as Arthur wasn't getting hurt, you really didn't care much about what happened here.

However, you knew that you should probably try to stop the fight.

"Arthur...Arthur, I'm okay. He's not worth it. Arthur, just leave it, you've made your point" you said, trying to get Arthur to calm down and back off of Micah.

You turned when you heard footsteps approaching. You cursed to yourself when you looked up to see Dutch and Hosea hurrying over to the three of you. Dutch went straight to the two men fighting while Hosea walked over to you.

"What happened?" Hosea asked you. You opened your mouth, about to answer but you stopped when you heard Dutch talking to Arthur.

"What the hell are you doing, boy?" Dutch asked Arthur as he pulled him off of Micah and got him to his feet.

"Leave him alone, he didn't do anything wrong" you snapped at Dutch. It wasn't fair that Micah could behave like an animal and Arthur would get a lecture for trying to help you.

Micah muttered something before groaning as he sat u. Now you can see his beaten face, since it had been hidden by Arthur earlier. Even with the new bruises and cuts on his face, you couldn't muster up any sympathy for him. You had no idea why Dutch kept him around.

"Dutch...just leave it" Hosea sighed, he knew that Micah must have been doing something to you to get Arthur to react like that. Hosea wasn't blinded like Dutch seemed to be sometimes.

Hosea sent you a look that silently asked if you were okay but you just nodded at him before walking over to Arthur and Dutch. You grabbed Arthur's arm before turning him around and walking him back towards the camp, you would leave Dutch to deal with Micah.

Before the pair of you reached the camp, Arthur gently grabbed your wrists and turned you to face him, causing you both to come to a halt.

"Are you alright?" Arthur asked, finally speaking now that he had calmed down.

"I'm fine...he's just an asshole" you sighed, shaking your head. You didn't want Arthur to worry about it.

"Has he ever done something like that to you before?" he asked, running his hands up your arms comfortingly.

"No, he normally just says creepy things. Thanks for dealing with him though" you smiled softly as you started to straighten out his shirt, fixing his collar.

"Anytime, I ain't going to let him touch you again. If he even looks at you, tell me and I'll handle it" Arthur assured you as you straightened out his jacket.

"Next time can you just kill him, end all our suffering?" you asked before you both started laughing.

You wrapped your arm around Arthur's waist and he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his side and kissing the top of your head. You just smiled and rested your head against his shoulder as you both returned to camp.

You and Arthur spent the rest of the evening together, which was usual for you both anyway but whenever Arthur saw Micah, his hold on you would tighten in a protective manner, which only made you smile. Micah made you feel uncomfortable but Arthur always made you feel safe, no matter what.

Every time you felt Arthur tense, you would give him a sweet reassuring kiss, reminding him that you were okay and that he didn't have anything to worry about. It also seemed to annoy Micah, so that was a bonus.

It was pretty clear that Micah would be out of service for a while, his face was swollen and bloody but nobody really felt any sympathy for him. It wasn't like he didn't deserve it. Arthur just did what everyone wanted to do since Micah joined the gang.


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