Chapter 12

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Guo had left in a hurry, and Yunlan was still thinking about it when he absent-mindedly turned a corner and almost bumped into Shen Wei.

They both looked surprised, greeted each other with a smile and started walking together, side by side.

Yunlan liked this, he liked how they walked at the same pace, how comfortable it felt to be close.

"Maybe he really is a lucky charm," Yunlan thought while walking along with Shen Wei.

Not only they met early, which meant that they had some time alone ahead of them before meeting with their friends, but Wei was alone. Ren would join them later when they were to meet with all the others.

Yunlan was really happy at finally being alone with Wei, but he also didn’t know what to say. It had been a long time since they had spent some time alone, and now Yunlan didn’t know what to say to him.

The last time they had walked like this, it had been the beginning of their friendship.

Zhao wondered if Wei remembered that day, but he did, in every detail.
Little did he know that Wei was thinking the same thing. Of course he remembered their "date", his memory was always good but it became eidetic when Yunlan was in the picture.

Lost in these thoughts that neither of them could voice aloud, both kept silent for a few minutes, then Yunlan scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly.
"I don’t really know what to say."

Wei looked at him, wondering if maybe Yunlan would rather be alone, and since he himself didn’t know what to say, he suggested, "There’s no need, it’s ok, you don’t have to talk to me."

'What does that mean?', thought Yunlan , was Wei thinking that he didn't ‘want’ to talk to him? He did! But what could he say, I like walking with you? So lame... I'm glad we're talking again? So stupid, besides they hadn't been fighting, nobody was there to stop Yunlan from talking to him, after all. I like your company? Yeah, if his goal was to sound pathetic...
Aaargh, he really didn’t know what to say...

So he started singing.

"What...?" Wei started saying, and Yunlan smirked.
"You said nothing about singing."

They looked at each other and after a second they both laughed out loud, and somehow the awkwardness vanished. Now Wei was smiling and Yunlan added another thing to his list of established facts: he really enjoyed seeing him smile or laugh.

Wei asked him if he wanted something to drink and they stopped for a cup of tea, chatting easily about the weather, about school, about their teachers and their grades, anything that came to mind was a good excuse to keep talking to the other.

We all know how it is, when you're having a good time and you'd want it to last, that's when time really flies away, and there's no stopping it.

It was nearing the time to meet with the others, and Yunlan said so because they needed to go and head towards the place of the appointment.

Wei lowered his eyes and said, "Yeah, Ren will meet us there too."

Yunlan didn’t let that discourage him; for now he still had Wei all to himself.

But the mention of Ren caused his thoughts to run wild.
He fought against himself for a moment: the brain was yelling ‘things are going well, just shut up’ but the heart was pouting and wanted to know... so he asked, "How did you and Ren... you know, how did you two..."

Wei lowered his eyes again and Yunlan couldn’t decipher his expression.
"Become boyfriends?"


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