Chapter 6

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Everyday Yunlan and Hong would walk to school together, and this morning Hong couldn't contain her curiosity.

She kept asking him about the day before, did they meet? Did they talk? What was he like? And so on...

Yunlan felt unusually embarrassed and kept his answers to a minimum, then he counterattacked by talking and asking about her and Jin. Needless to say, his tactic worked and she talked about him till they reached their class.

When he entered the cafeteria, his friends were already at their usual spot. He glanced around the room and saw Wei sitting alone. He stared at him until he raised his eyes and saw him. Yunlan opened his arms and made a face, faking offence at seeing him so far away after his promise.

Wei tried to hide a smile, stood up and walked towards him.
"You were not here yet so I... I thought it was best to wait for you."

"I'm here now! Come, let's meet the team," and they walked together towards the others, who couldn't hide their surprise if they tried.

Introductions were made, Yunlan announced him as 'the new member of the team' and they all started talking at the same time. Sang asked him if he had a girlfriend, hugging Wang possessively while Jin kept looking at Hong but he seemed relieved when she smiled and asked, "So, how did your date go?"

Wei opened his mouth, then closed it again. He didn't really know what to say.

Da Qing hadn't stopped eating for a second so he still had his mouth full when he said, "About that tests-thing we were discussing yesterday..."

Wei: "Oh, about that, I didn't..."

Yunlan, interrupting him: "He didn't know anything about it, I guess it'll remain a mystery after all."

Wang: "Oh no, we know what happened!"

Wei and Yunlan looked at each other, they were both nervous. Even though Wei had never clearly admitted that he did it for him, Yunlan still felt like an accomplice. Also, he didn't like the idea of Wei getting in trouble. 'In a way it'd be my fault', he thought, 'it's just that I don't want that responsibility on me', he reasoned.

Wei cleared his throat: "You... you know that..."

Sang: "It was the professor's fault!"

Startled, they both looked at him. Wang was hanging on his arm, Hong and Jin were smiling, Da Qing was eating.

Yunlan gave a little laugh: "Oh, really? The professor?"

Sang explained his theory, that Wei's professor had accidentally spilled coffee on his desk staining all the papers that were on it.
"You should see his office, a real mess, there are cups everywhere, he must be a coffee addict or something."

Wei and Yunlan looked at each other again.

Yunlan, despite himself, couldn't keep from asking: "But then, what about my test..."

Wang: "They're fellow professors, I'm sure your teacher gave him a hand, he made all your tests disappeared so nobody would think of blaming his colleague! He probably thought you students might need the practice anyway."

Shen Wei looked nervous, he opened his mouth to murmur: "Actually..."

Yunlan cut him short, the last thing he wanted was for Wei to confess the truth, so he unconsciously raised his voice a bit: "The professors, huh? Well, then I guess this is over, we'll just do the test again, that won't be too much trouble, will it?"

Hong smiled: "Of course not, and... I will have more time to prepare; will you help me Yunlan? If we are all together I'll end up being distracted and won't be able to concentrate."

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