Chapter 9

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The guys had originally planned to head over to the mall only because Shen Wei wanted to buy a book, so without him in the group Yunlan thought that there was really no reason to go there anymore.

“Why don’t we go to the park instead?” he said.

Unconsciously he suggested the place that more than anything made him think of Shen Wei.

“It’s all the same for me,” said Hong loyally.

Jin thought otherwise, though: "There’s a new game out, I was going to buy it today."

Wang joined him: "I also wanted to go there and look for a new shirt."

Da Qing had something of his own to say: "I’m hungry, an ice-cream is not enough, I want to go to the Fish&Burger place."

Hong looked at Yunlan and shrugged. They were outnumbered, so Yunlan had no choice but to yield and follow the majority's wish.

They were all cheerful as always, he seemed to be the only moody one.
Jin had his new game, Wang  bought two new shirts on sale and was giggling happily, Da Qing had eaten half of the Fish&Burger provisions, they all had enjoyed their day out and were about to go back when Yunlan’s eyes landed on a shop-window.

The whole time he only had one thing (one person) in mind, and now he asked his friends to wait for him and he went inside on a whim; he didn’t really know where to find it, so he asked the girl working there and bought it immediately. It made him feel better, he didn’t know why so he didn’t ponder on it too much.

When they were all done, they went back home.

Once alone in his room, Yunlan had nothing to keep the image of Wei and Ren walking side by side off his mind.

'Just like we did that day' he thought, then he scolded himself: so what, many people walk together every day, what was so special about it now? He would see Shen Wei the next day and everything would be back to normal.

The next day they met as usual but Wei was silent and barely looked at him, although they sat next to each other as always.

Yunlan opened his bag and took out a package, and handed it to Wei.
"Here, I bought it for you."

Wei looked at the book and then at Yunlan, with big opened eyes. For a moment, they just stared at each other, then Yunlan laughed awkwardly and asked, "This is what you wanted right? Since you couldn’t come with us, I thought I’d get it for you."

“Thanks” Wei ssid and then he smiled happily.

Yunlan murmured, "That's what friends are for," feeling something nice inside at being the cause for that shining smile, feeling happy with his decision until a hand came out of nowhere and took the book. Everyone stopped their chatting and looked at him.

“What’s this?” Ren asked with the book in his hands.

Yunlan suddenly stood up and said with a harsh voice, "Give it back."

The atmosphere tensed immediately, Yunlan kept looking at a bewildered Ren with a serious face. Wei felt the awkwardness and stood up too, “that’s my book” was the only thing that came out of his mouth before Yunlan, unchanging, said, "You heard him, give it back."

Wei didn’t like this at all, what was happening? He looked from Yunlan to Ren and back, looking for something to say.

Ren looked at Yunlan with a confused look on his face, then at Wei, before giving him a big smile.
"Of course, here’s your book Wei Wei."

Everyone was staring at them now and Wei felt really embarrassed. Yunlan’s eye twitched at the familiarity in Ren’s voice, but he sat down again, and so did Wei. Ren sat next to him, and for the first time Yunlan didn’t appreciate the long benches of the cafeteria.

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