The Club Part 1

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Skylee's POV

I wake up early and walk to the guest room to wake Brooklin up. Denis was sitting on the bed next to her while she was sleeping. He must not have noticed I was there because when I creaked the door he jumped. He started stuttering to the point to where I had no idea what he was saying.
"Dude. Just shut up. It's fine. Get over it I won't tell her." He breathed a sigh of relief and I walked downstairs to find Elijah cooking breakfast. Denis and Brooklin walk down not too much longer after me.
"I'm gonna go take a shower" Elijah says. I blush at the thought of Elijah being in the shower. He walks upstairs and I hear the shower turn on.
"Ya know what I think we should do today?" I ask.
"What?" Denis looks up from his cereal.
"I don't know I was asking you guys" Brooklin gave a very noticeable eye roll until I got an idea.
"What do you guys think about going to a club tonight?" I ask hopeful. Brooklin's eyes lit up. She had just recently gone shopping and bought a TON of new clothes.
"By the look on Brooklin's face, I guess that's where we're going." Denis piped up. Brooklin squealed in excitement. I walk upstairs and open my door. Elijah is standing there shirtless. I blush the hardest anybody could ever blush and ran out hyperventilating. He ran after me and grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. Our eyes locked for a split second and I could smell his minty breath. He grabbed my waist, filling the space between us. I bite my lip and he gently presses his to mine. He quickly pulls away and apologizes and runs back in my room.

Elijah's POV

Why did I do that. Why why why why why WHY??? We had a good friendship going and I screwed it up!!!

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