Broken Hearted

990 15 3

Skylee's POV

I wake up with a jolt after passing out on the floor. My head is pounding and my legs fell asleep. I grabbed my phone and chucked it across the room, cracking my screen against the wall. I punched a hole in the wall in anger and frustration. I couldn't stay here. I had to go. I packed clothes for a week and ran out the door after giving my cat a huge container of food. I threw my things in the car, barely remembering to lock the door behind me.

I drove and drove and drove until I had to pull over at a gas station. I was 85 miles away from home and had an eighth of a tank of gas left in my car. I reach into the back seat to grab my purse and wallet and only feel the carpet and leather of the car. I begin to panic and frantically wave my hand around the back seat of the car. I suddenly remembered that my wallet and purse was in my room sitting on my bed.

I walk out of my car and frantically look around the nighttime lights of the city in tears. My face is bright red and raw from tears and had no way to get home. I turn around to a silhouette of a man approach me. I slowly back away, afraid of what this person was capable of. I back into a wall and the streetlights cast a light over the man in his hoodie. He had wavy brown hair and the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I was in utter shock when he spoke to me. "hey are you ok?"
I just stared at him, my swollen face being extinguished by the shadows of the streetlight.

I still wasn't 100% sure who it was, then it clicked.

Just Friends (Sketch x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon