Waffle Cones |18|

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'Okay...okay, don't freak out, Sal...there's just a literal flower in your...eyeball.'

"Yep alright I'm freaking out, how am I not supposed to freak out at this?! There's a flower peeking out of the corner of my eye!" Sal said as quietly as he could, gently taking out his glass eye so he could get a closer look at the growing flower.

He cringed a little as he ran his finger across the soft, vibrant blue petal. Flowers always pushed a sense of calmness of Sal, even this one that was actually growing from his eye socket. That's why he worked at the flower shop, flowers and the feeling the blue boy got from them, reminded him of his mother.

He always remembered her as a delicate, soft, gentle, woman. She always had a happy glow to her; she could light up a room in an instant with her smile. For his dad, Henry, she was the lighthouse in a raging shit storm that was his life, but once she was gone...he lost his way. Struggling with addiction and depression, pill after pill and bottle after bottle. He had no limit.

He didn't know how to stop and to make matters worse he was stuck with the rags of what his son used to be. He thought all of that small blue kid's potential went down the drain along with his wife, so he stopped trying and gave in to his battle with his mental health.

Sal's father killed himself within a year of Diane's passing. Leaving the poor blueberry with nothing but a memory and a prosthetic.

Sally pulled his hand away from the petal as he came back from space, blinking a little. "That's crazy..." he spoke in a quiet voice. 'But...if I stay in here for too long, Larry will get worried...' he thought to himself as he looked around, "Ah...what was I doing..?"

He pulled himself together and washed his face, making sure to keep his eyelid closed so Larry wouldn't see the peeking blue flower. "Lar?" He called out as he tilted his head into the dirty room. The brunette was nowhere in sight so, he went searching in the other room that connected the living room and kitchen.


Larry, of course, heard his friend, standing up from behind the counter and hitting his head clumsily on the open cupboard. "Ah fuck!" He hissed in pain rubbing his head and closing the cabinet door harshly. "I'm right here, Blue," he said with a soft groan.

Sally's expression brightened, "Hey! What're you doing?" He asked with a smile, sitting down on a spinny chair at the counter. 'Larbear' kept a goofy smile as he kneeled down again, "I was looking for our waffle maker, but I haven't found it yet!" He whined and peeked over the countertop to see the blueberry.

"I wanted to make waffles to use for some ice cream but I guess we'll just have to settle for regular old bowls," Larry said with a soft laugh. Sally shrugged and gave him a small smile, "eh, it just means less work."

Larry laughed a bit and nodded, standing up carefully, "yeah I guess that's better, huh?" The blueberry just gave him a small nod.

The brunette got out the ice cream from the freezer, "Mm...we can go talk and eat ice cream on the roof, maybe explain the condition a little more to me?"

And with those words, Sally's mood was ruined. He was nervous and scared, he didn't want to hurt his best friend, but he knew if he didn't tell Larry, that it'd hurt him even worse.

"Ah...where's Lake and Lisa?" Sally asked with a thin smile. Larry glanced back at the muffin with a hum, "they're visiting family, Lisa didn't want Blake to be stressed out, she's only a kid, y' know?" Sal nodded in understanding and watched intently as Larry scooped the ice cream. It was really smooth each time he did it.

The ice cream was rolled into a perfect fluffy lump like what you see in movies and commercials. It's the shape they can only get by staging mashed potatoes. And yet...there it is in all its glory. How odd.

Everything about the moment seemed perfect, too perfect.



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