Acceptance |9|

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Todd's POV

I've been researching what Sal told me to and...I'm not gonna lie it's...sad. And these samples? I mean, where the hell did he even get these from? I poked the bag a bit and sighed. At least I'm done with it.

Neil walked in and smiled at me, he immediately made me forget all about the depressing things I had just researched. My expression softened as he walked up behind my chair and planted a soft kiss on my neck.

I hummed a bit, practically melting right there. "Hi Baby~" he purred. I giggled and turned my head to kiss his cheek. "Hey Babe~"

He smiled and pushed my glasses up for me. He's gonna make my heart explode. "Dinners ready when you're done~" I smiled and nodded.

When he walked out, I picked up the phone and dialed Sal.

T: yo Sal.
T: Its done, I just emailed my findings to you. If you need a hard copy stop by tomorrow.
S:thanks Todd...

I hung up and quickly sprung from my chair running towards the kitchen.

Sal's POV

As I sat in Larry's room I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks. "F-Fuck." I laughed sadly as I leaned my head back and stared at the ceiling.

I scoffed as I laughed.

I'm going to die...

I can't do anything about it...I'll be gone and I can't do anything about it.

All I could do was laugh. I can't force Larry to love me...I can't pay for the surgery, not that I would want it.

I'm going to choke or bleed out...

Fuck me.


Larry soon walked back into his room with Pizza and what looks like soda, or maybe beer? I could really use a drink.

He smiles at me, and I painfully smile back. I haven't worn my prosthetic around him since...


He hands me a can and sets the pizza on the floor between us. After he puts on some sort of movie, he plops into the beanbag next to mine.

I pop open the can, which is unfortunately not beer and take a sip. How am I going to tell him about this?? 'Hey Larry! I have flowers growing in my lungs because of youuuuu. And!!! Even better yet! They have thorns that are slowly bleeding me from the inside out! Oh yeah! I'm also gonna die!' Yeah...maybe not.

"Hey Sal?" He turns to me. I grow nervous and pull on the end of my ponytail. "Hmm?" I hum in response.

"How was the thing with Phillip?" The ends of his lips curve up into a sympathetic smile.

I blush realizing I was staring. "It was fine." Short, sweet, and simple.

His smile turns to a frown. "You don't like him do you?" Of course not! I love you and so does he! I'm going to die over you because of him! And all I am to you is your best friend. Your second best.

"He's a nice guy" I hum.

He huffs and looks away.

"It doesn't matter if I like him or long as you're happy..." he groans and rubs his temples. "I WANT TO BE ABLE TO HANG OUT WITH BOTH OF YOU" He suddenly yells.

I flinch away. I hate this, I hate me. It's a good thing you're least he won't have to choose.

He's apologizing to me profusely, but I can't hear him for some reason. I can't look at him. I can't move.

I wanna put my head through a wall, a bullet through my head, a knife through my heart, I want to cut.

Larry was freaking out now. But I felt dizzy and sick. The floor is spinning and I try and steady myself, but I eventually close my eyes and give in.


Within the darkness I hear shouts and crying. I see bright lights as they pass my half closed eyes. It's blinding and there's a sterile smell to everything.

Where am I?
Help me.

Blue Flowers (LarryXSal)Where stories live. Discover now