Those Sad Eyes |2|

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Hiya! I decided that I was going to be using Sal's POV at times also, but it'll still mainly be Larry's. Enjoy!! ❤️
Larry's POV

I smile sitting with Lake, I was reading her a story. It was our night ritual, me and Mom would trade off, but I'd usually do it. I kissed the top of her head

"Goodnight Blake" I said

"Larry? Do you think we can go see Sally tomorrow"

I frowned, it's been a day or two since we 'met' him, he genuinely creeped me out with his mask, and I don't think that Blake should be around him. For all I know he could be another Charley

"Larryyyyyyy pleaseeee?" She could tell I didn't want to

"I don't know, Lake. He seems a bit off"

She looked like she was about to cry,

"I thought what people looked like doesn't matter..." there were tears slowly leaking down her face

I rushed back over to her side and wiped the tears from her cheeks gently. I held her in my arms rocking back and forth, hushing her

"They don't sweetie. We can go see him tomorrow! I promise" I pet her head, but as soon as I said that she perked her head up. Immediately smiling, I ruffled her hair and tickled her

I've just been played

Time skip—

I woke up to my ear drilling alarm, I winced and reached over turning it off. Finally...jesus that alarm is fucking annoying. But at least it gets me up, I had to go catch a class in like an hour.

I sighed flinging the blankets off of me and dragged myself out of the warm safe place. "Goodbye my beauty" I stare longingly at my bed and blow it a kiss

I pull on a black hoodie and some jeans, I huff, brushing my hair into a bun. I trudged into the kitchen snatching a Muffin and slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

I slide into my shoes and head out the back door. I shiver as I inhale the crisp cold air. I exhaled and saw my breath, I smiled a bit. I loved the cold it always reminded me of when I was little.

I took another deep breath and walked along the small path covered in untouched snow, it must've snowed more than I thought


Eventually I came upon the campus and stepped into the main building. I had two classes today, one right after the other, I was thinking and walking through the building, when I spotted him.

Sally sat at a small, round, metal table with a matching chair. He had coffee and a book, I kept my head down trying not to let him notice me. He looked up, his crystal blue eyes pierced my soul.

I stared back, after a second he gave me a small wave and moved his eyes back down to his book. My heart was racing, I had to get to class so I took a deep breath and sped down the corridor.

I made it to class on time, barely. I breathed heavily and slouched in my seat. Today was going to be a long day.

Time skip—

I sipped my coffee strolling around right outside the campus. I was a bit out of it lost in my own world, until I saw him. "Jesus Christ this guy is everywhere" I mumbled to myself

He was standing right outside a small shop, I couldn't see the name, but in the window there were beautiful bunches of color.

He had his sleeves rolled up, though I thought it was odd since he was shivering. I could see the slight hint of a tattoo on his arm, as he took a long drag from a cigarette and let out a breath, a cloud of smoke rolling off of his lips. He wore a pink and white apron and a light blue sweater with black jeans.

He pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and threw the Cigarette on the ground stepping on it. He had re-strapped the bottom of his mask and dusted off his apron as he turned. He spotted me, fuck I was caught staring, he tilted his head and after a few minutes, broke away from the stare, opening the shop door and stepping in.

He was a fucking gorgeous man, I mean from what I had saw. I felt a blush spread across my cheeks as I sped up my walk towards home.

God, I guess I have been judging him because of his mask...I'm so stupid. I mean he's still human,i sighed as I walk through the back door taking off my shoes and setting it on the shoe rack.

My mom turned towards me and smiled warmly,

"Heya Larbear, I made some soup would you like some?"

I breathe in taking in the smell of chicken noodle soup, "yes please! It smells delicious!" I hang my jacket on our rack and set my bag by the door, before heading to the cabinet to get a couple bowls and spoons.

I set the table for two spots. Since Lake was still at school it was just me and my mom. I helped my mom serve us some soup. We sat at the table talking and laughing,

I got silent and stared down at my bowl, deep in thought. My mom rubs my arm

"Are you okay, mi hijo?" She tilts her head concerned, I look up giving her a reassuring smile, "of course, mama" she smiles back at me and pushes hair out of my face and kisses my forehead "alright but if you need something, you can always talk to me."

I nod and take our dishes to the sink, rinsing them out and setting them in the dishwasher. I sigh, maybe I should apologize to him later? Man I don't know.

Sal's POV

I unlock my apartment door and shutting it behind me, I can't help but feel a sense of loneliness. I saw Gizmo on one of the chairs I bought for cheap, he's all I got

It's never been the same since Mom died, Dad followed shortly after her...Nana and Papa were the ones that housed me and practically raised me. They're paying for college, but I'm working full time to pay rent and to be able to eat.

Nana got me a good paying job at a local flower shop, she said I had a nack for it. It was flexible with my mental health and college.

I know having a cat isn't a good investment, but Gizmo was one of the only family members I had left, I'd never leave him. My apartment was fairly empty, but I had what I needed.

I checked on Giz's food and water bowl then gave him some attention before I stepped into the bathroom. I turned on the shower waiting for it to get warm, but the freezing water only got slightly non-freezing. I frowned, that's as warm as it'll get.

I unclipped my mask, I've grown to be okay with my face, I only wore it for other people. I stared at myself in the mirror as I undressed. 'Pathetic' 'freak' 'it's your fault' 'gross' 'fuckup' 'mistake'

Those are things dad would say when I was younger. And I believed him, it was fair of him...I did cause my mother's death. I pick at the scars on my thighs, I hadn't cut myself in a year or two, it's just been small things, like letting myself freeze or smoking, I was killing myself slowly.

I sighed and got into the cold water, after a second I was shaking violently. I laughed hysterically, everything was so loud, I couldn't cry, I could only laugh and shake.

I'll never feel again will I?

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