My Best Friend |14|

912 41 61

Sal's POV

The doctors said that they couldn't really do anything for my condition, so they just discharged me with some pain killers for my throat. I could tell Larry was still confused about why they couldn't help and what was going on with me, but I wanted to just enjoy the day with my best friend...he promised we'd go get some ice cream together!

I put a little pep in my step to try and pump Larry up to hang out, "Alright, Larbear! Ready to get out of this depressing ass building and get some ice cream?" I asked with a bright smile. Even though he couldn't see my smile, he could tell and returned the smile, "Let's go, Blue!"

I stole Larrys pull-over because it was a bit chilly out today, although...he didn't seem to mind. I melted into the scent of mint and smoke that was emitting from the jacket. It was really calming to me, it's the only thing I could focus on when Larry helped me calm down after my night terrors.

I smile to myself as we make our way down the cracking, concrete sidewalk. Through the cracks of the walkway, there were some blades of grass and sometimes some dandelions growing. it seems impossible for them to push through the hard circumstances and actually bloom. I wonder if I could do the same, but the odds of that seem even more impossible...

I'm forced out of my head by the cute, small jingle of the door opening to the shop, Larry gives me a small smile as he holds the door open for me, "after you~" he hums. I laugh a little and step in, "What a gentleman~" I tease as he follows in after me.

I'm practically drooling at the sight of the beautiful display of the frozen wonders, "wow..." I sigh happily. This is all I've been craving since I got to the hospital.

Larry is already paying for a cone, for me, and a small bowl for himself when I finally snap out of the cold dreamscape, "One scoop of double fudge chocolate and one scoop of birthday cake, please!" I say eagerly to the cashier.

The dark-haired lady gives me a silent nod and looks to Larry for his choice, "Oh..." Larry hummed and looked at the flavors, "Just Strawberry."

She gave us another nod accompanied with a soft sigh, "Let me get that for you, move over to the right..." she says blankly. I huff and step to the side with Larry, "her sour mood is gonna make the ice cream taste badddddd-" I whine playfully to Larry. He let out a soft laugh, "hopefully not, I wanna be able to enjoy the sweet strawberry bliss," he joked as the lady finished scooping out the beautiful delights.

"Here you go..." she hums softly, handing us our ice cream. I take my cone and Larry takes the small bowl and spoon, "thank you, have a nice day!" I hum brightly.

She shows a hint of a smile before turning back to take other orders. I like to think I brightened her day in some way. I understand work can be hard and stressful and that not all customers are great. I just want to leave someone happy.

As we leave, I admire Larry's face. His tan skin and brown hair make him look mysterious on the surface, but he's really just a big, lovable goofball. 'Larry Johnson, you're all I need' I think to myself with a content sigh.

He looks at me in confusion, "What did you say..?" I start to panic as a blush covers my masked face, "I mean...You mean a lot to me...and you've done and still do so much for me. I really appreciate it..." I say quickly, trying to save my stupid ass.

He just smiles as a light blush dusts his cheeks, "of course, Blue~ You're my best friend..." ouch. I cringe a bit at the words and nod as I feel a sharp pain in my left eye socket, I brush it off to be my glass eye moving in an awkward position. Best friend huh..? I guess that's all I'll ever be.

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