Chapter 61: Hidden in the Dark

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"Good morning, Sakura!" Rock Lee shouted stiffly when he saw the younger woman.

"Are you ready for our briefing?' the pink-haired woman asked, joining him.

"Of course," he flashed her a grin and a thumbs-up, and she could have sworn his teeth sparkled, "I will not let you down."

"Great,"  Sakura's smile was slightly uncomfortably. Lee's corny earnestness  could be off-putting, but she knew him to be reliable and hard working.

"So, how was your training trip?" he asked her.

"It went well," she said uncertainly, and not just because of Naruto's 'episode'. Lee did not seem placated by the statement.

"We practiced our basics, and learned some new advanced techniques," she offered.

"That sounds rather tame for two weeks with Kakashi-sensei," he frowned, "Gai-sensei will be quite disappointed."

"Well, it's just..." she said softly, "I didn't know if you were competing, and I didn't want to rub it in..."

"That is very thoughtful of you," he nodded appreciatively, "But of course I will be participating in the Jonin Trials."

"Even though?" she could not vocalize the question.

"Even  though I cannot ever attain the rank of full Jonin, barring some sort  of impossible miracle event," he confirmed, slightly bitter, "I can  still become a Tokubetsu Jonin, and show the world my Nindo in that  way."

"I'm sorry, Lee," she said with honest regret, "It doesn't seem fair."

"Quite the contrary," Lee smiled broadly again, "It is the Chunin Exams that are unjust. The Jonin Trails are completely fair."

"But anyone can become a Chunin," the younger woman was confused, "There are no restrictions."

"Precisely,"  the Taijutsu expert agreed, "Consider ninja A and ninja B. Ninja A is  an expert tracker, a talented leader, and knows a variety of Ninjutsu,  Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. And on the other hand, we have ninja B, who is a  combat monster, but has no Genjutsu, is a total loner and has all the  stealth of... well of the Naruto of four years ago. Ninja A helps her  team through the first two parts of the exam, while ninja B coasts  through on the talents of her teammates. Then in the finals, ninja A and  ninja B fight. Ninja A could defeat any other participant, but she is  decimated by ninja B. And in the end ninja B is promoted while ninja A  is not. It is not an uncommon occurrence, in the Chunin Exams, but it is  totally unfair."

Sakura nodded.

"But that is not possible  in the Jonin Trials," Lee continued, "The minimum necessary skills are  carefully set down but the Conclave of Shadows. A village that bypasses  the qualifications and promotes its people to Jonin can get themselves  in a great deal of trouble. And because the tests are all one on one, no  one may sneak through with the help of his or her comrades."

"You've given this a lot of thought, Lee," the medic smiled softly.

"Yes,  well," the bushy-browed warrior blushed, "It took me some time to come  to terms with the fact I could never attain the highest rank."

They continued the rest of their way to Ninja Ops in silence.

"I'm sending you two on a rescue mission," the Hokage informed the pair, after the pleasantries were out of the way.

"A  blacksmith, Tetsuo Masamune, from a small town in the southern province  has been kidnapped by a group of bandits operating just over the  border, in the Land of Tea," Tsunade informed the teens.

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