It Can't Be True!

Start from the beginning

Draco looked at me like I just called his name. "What?"

"Scorpius. Does that name ring a bell?"

"What are you trying to say?" He asked.

"While I was sleeping underwater, I dreamt of a little boy. He looks a lot like you. Blonde hair, blue eyes, but he has my smile." I said.

He looked down. "I've always wanted that name. It would be cool. Scorpius Malfoy."

I chuckled. "Draco Malfoy is better."

Then Draco's family owl knocked on the window.

"Oh, What is it, Willow?" Draco walked
towards the window then opened it.

Willow released the letter to Draco's palm then flew away.

I closed the window. "Were you expecting a letter, Draco?" I asked.

He examined the letter. "Hmm... surprisingly no." He opened the letter then began to read.

I leaned on his shoulder to get a closer look.

"What did Lucius and Narcissa said?" I asked.

Draco's eyes widened then started to murmur.

"Draco? Are you alright?" I asked.

He looked at me with pain in his eyes. "Y/N..."

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"Y/N...your parents..." he trailed off.

"Let me see the letter." I said coldly.

"Don't use that tone on me, Y/N." He said.

"I'm worried, Draco. Please tell me." I urged.

He let out a shaky breath. "You're parents... they're gone." He said.

My eyes widened. "W-what?! What do you mean 'gone'?" I asked.

"The Deatheaters. They attacked your parents. They're the reason they're dead." He said.

My heart started beating faster, my breathing getting uneven.

I'm having a panic attack.

"Y/N," Draco hugged me. "Just let it out."

I sobbed on his shoulder. "It can't be true! It can't be!" I cried.

"Y/N... calm down. You're having a panic attack." He then rubbed my back.

I let go of him then rushed out of the room.

"Y/N!" I heard Draco called.

I went to the Gryffindor common room door.

"Password- oh my dear, are you alright?" The woman asked.

"No," I said. "The password is..."

then I remembered the password that is on a piece of parchment's in my robe pocket.

"You know what, never mind. Can you let me in, please? I need to see my friends." I said.

"Sorry, but no can do. Password."

I groaned. "This is so frustrating!"

Just then, someone went out of the Gryffindor room.

"Oh. Hello, Y/N!" George said.

"Hello, George." I said.

"It's actually Fred, but it's fine."

"I'm sorry, Fred. I'm not feeling good. Can I enter the Gryffindor room? I need to see Hermione." I said.

"Uh- sure thing. The password is-" Fred leaned down then whispered the password.

"Thanks Fred, bye." I said then entered the room.

I saw Hermione reading a book by the fire place.

She looked up. "Y/N? Are you crying?"

I ran to her then hugged her tight.

She was taken a back. "What's the matter, dear?"

Tears fell down. "My parents..."

"I know. It's all over the Daily Prophet."

She handed me the newspaper then I read it.

I'm now an orphan. I no longer have a family.

If I find you, Voldemort, I'm going to end you.

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