"Come, my rose." He said, and began leading me out of the bathroom, back to the bedroom. He fell onto the bed and pulled me down beside him and I shivered. The dress hiked up my thigh, threatening to reveal my nudity beneath, but I didn't bother pulling it back down. Let Blake see. It's not as though he hadn't seen it already.

He wrapped me in his arms and let out a sigh. "Oh my dear, beautiful rose. What are we going to do with you?" He muttered.

In a whisper, I spoke, frowning. "What do you mean?"

He stroked my wet hair, and took a deep breath. "Nothing, my rose. Don't fret your pretty little head."

His words were not really reassuring, but I didn't ask further questions. He began coming his fingers over my scalp and I shut my eyes. He gently kissed my forehead.

"I love you."

Those words stopped me in my tracks. He muttered them so gently, so carelessly. How could it be that he messed me up so bad. But he did.

A tear slipped out my eye and I held back a sob. Blake kissed my head again, closer to my temple.

Then he kissed me again, a little lower. And then again, a little lower. And inch by inch, kiss by kiss, he made his way too my lips.

When he finally kissed me fully, on the lips, he held it for a long moment. Then he deepened the kiss, parting his mouth a little.

Then he bit my lip, and when I opened my mouth instinctively, in pain, he forced his tongue past my teeth.

I almost gagged. But he just got deeper. He took a moments breath but came back, pushing his face against mine, urgently.

I just let him kiss me. It was easier than fighting.

Eventually, he drew away, and smiled at me, looking kind of crazed. "You have no idea how hard it is not to take you again, right now."

I frowned. "Please." I whispered, weak. "Not now."

He looked like he wanted to protest but then nodded. "Okay. Let's just talk, then. Alright?"

"Alright," I replied, relieved.

He smiled warmly, and brushed a stray strand of hair from my face. "You have the most beautiful eyes, my rose. Do they come from your mother or your father?"

"My mother," I said.

He smiled, his face raking over my features. Then his gaze dropped, and I clenched my eyes shut, not wanting to see the hunger in his face.

He sighed, and I opened my eyes again. "Tell me about your parents, my rose. What are they like?"

I hesitated. Did I lie? Tell him they were great? Make him jealous? I didn't see much point in that. So I told him the truth.

"They're complicated. They're very religious, in the best and worst ways. My mum is caring, and compassionate. But she has a mean streak. Sometimes she gets blinded by her faith, and by her rage. Dad is much the same, but stricter. He says he only wants the best for our family, but not at the expense of God."

"He's a smart man. You wouldn't want to annoy the all powerful," Blake said, then gave me a curious look. "But what do you think?"

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

He shrugged slightly. "What do you think about god? And family? Do you agree with your parents?"

I wasn't expecting such a forward question, so I didn't know how to respond. It stopped me in my tracks for a few moments. What did I think?

"I think that it's all a bit of an act, really." I replied after a while. "They say the bible is the most important aspect of life but really they're just using it as an excuse to be violent, and hateful. I think they tend to ignore all the good stuff and focus on the bad."

He nodded, as if he too had met my parents. "And what about God? Do you think he's just an act too?"

"No," I said, instinctively. It wasn't until I said it that I realised I believed it. "I think that we've all felt Him in some way, even if we didn't know it. But I don't think God is the same as the God my parents believe in. I think that God isn't just words and commands. He's more than that. Love, and beauty, and everything good in the world."

He was staring at me, fascinated, and I almost blushed a little. He smirked, and the moment fell away. "If you keep up that grin of yours, my rose, I'll have no choice but to go back on my word."

"Please, no." I stuttered.

He watched me for a moment, then used one hand to reach down to my thigh and squeeze it lightly. I was terrified he was going to do more but he didn't. He just shook his head.

"Don't tease me, my rose. Or I might not be able to control myself."

He let go of my thigh, and I let out a puff of breath. I didn't know how I had been teasing him, but I would have to be more careful. I didn't want him to go too far.

He smiled, returning to his happy-go-lucky personality.

"Tell me more about yourself, my rose. I want to know you better," He said.

I nodded, and tried not to notice the way his eyes wandered.

There was a lot that I tried not to notice.

He asked me about my school, and my childhood, and my extended family. He asked me about my friends, my hobbies, my likes and dislikes. He even asked me my shoe size.

The longer he had me talk, the more tired I became. It was like he had a spell over me, and I could hardly go for a few hours without sleeping some more.

At one point, I dozed off for a moment and came to again to Blake making out with me.

I pushed him of and he surprisingly obliged at we went back to talking.

After a little, when it was getting hard to speak from the heavy blanket of sleep wrapped around me, Blake stopped asking questions, and just lay there, cuddling me.

I wish I could say I hated it, but it was actually quite comforting to have arms wrapped around me.

Lying there with him like that, I slipped away, off into dreams.

In the abyss of sleep, I almost thought I heard him whisper to me, I love you, but it was gone as soon as it came, and there was no way of knowing if it was actually real.

The next time I came to, he was gone.

I tried not to feel disappointed.

Authors note
Sorry for the long wait between updates, I have been heckers busy with life and uni.

Anyway, what do you think about the chapter?
About Blake?
About how Ophelia is feeling?
What do you think is going to happen next?


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