She nearly tripped in surprise but managed to save my cookies, "What took you so long? I've been waiting for ages!"

"I'm sorry, I had to give Mark his macaroons,"

"Wow, I can't believe you're choosing a boy over me, I thought we were besties."

"We are besties, he just so happened to be in a worse state. Speaking of states, which one will I be kicking Youngho to?"

"None," I replied with a cookie stuffed in my mouth, "I need to kill him before you can kick him anywhere. I can't believe he fed me with his bullshit to mug me off!"

"Minah, Youngho is a lot more complicated than that, I'm sure he had a good reason,"

"Good reason? What happened to 'kicking' him back to where he came from?"

"Yeah, I will, if he doesn't give a good reason. All I'm saying is that he's been acting strangely uncomfortable around Yoona, so if you want answers, you should go there."

"Oh god, that bitch. Hell naw, I don't trust her for shit."

"Ok fine, I'll go speak to him,"

"Will you really?" I asked with a smile spreading from both sides of my face.

"Yes, I will, now eat your cookies quickly because I'm running out of time to eat my real baked goods," she winked. It took me a second to get what she was talking about, once I did, I spat my delicious cookie all over her face in the process. "Minyoungah! Do you have to talk about sucking Doyoung's dick when I'm eating!" I shouted. She looked at me weirdly before placing a cookie in her mouth, "what are you talking about, I meant this cookie," she said, "oh and that," gaining a slap from me.

Lee Donghyuck

I was feeling guilty, something I don't often feel. It's been a few weeks and I still haven't visited Mark, I put my priorities selfishly first, but it's mostly because it's my fault that he ended up hurt. We were the only ones here who related and truly understood each other, I promised him that he'd never get hurt again and I failed him. If I hadn't chosen Minah over him, he wouldn't be hospitalised. This is all my fault, what kind of brother am I? It may not seem like it, but he's had it a lot worse than me...

Flashback to December 2013...

There are a couple of days left before Christmas and I still find this place strange. That Taeyong Guy is constantly reassuring me that my father is gone, but he was a sick man. I wouldn't be surprised if he came and killed me in my sleep, to be honest, I'd prefer that. There's no one my age here and it's not like what we're doing is good. Sure, they're all nice and welcoming, but they treat me like some sort of baby. I wasn't a baby when I sliced that lady's neck, was I?

"Donghuck! Come over here," it's Taeyong, why is he calling me, he said I was done for the day. In any other case, I would've ignored someone calling me, but Taeyong saved me and my obedience is the only way to show how grateful I am. I walked up to his office to see a small looking boy, covered in bruises and scars. "Who's this?" I asked,

"Donghyuck, where are your manners?"

"Oh sorry, excuse me who are you?" The boy didn't say a word, it was as if he was too scared to speak. "He doesn't talk much, his name is Mark and he's been through a lot. He'll be staying in your room for a while. Hey, who knows, you might make a friend," he smiled. Ha! Friend? Is Taeyong joking? This kid won't even speak a word, how will I ever make friends with him?

The weeks dragged on and only a few words came out of his mouth, it seemed like he was brought up to not speak up. "Are you afraid?" I asked, he looked up and gave me a confused look. "Are you afraid of speaking up?" He nodded, "why?"

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