"What's a child like you doing here?" you where terrified

"U-um I-I-I'm looking f-f-for Sh-" you where suddenly cut off by a booming voice

"THERE YOU ARE [Y/N] I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU" you turn around to see All Might in his hero form

"All Might mind explaining why there is a child in U.A" the angry looking man said

"Well she was the one who saved me at the U.S.J Vlad, I'll tell the story another time but for now let's take you back to the teacher's lounge!" he picked you up and carried you off

"Um All Might can we go see Shouta please" he looked into your big [e/c] eyes

"*sigh* Okay let's go"


Your met with another big door except this one said 1A you walked in and meet with a lot of eyes, you hid behind one of All Might's leg until you see a familiar green head which perked you up "What are you guys doing here"

"I-I wanted to see you"

"*sigh* Alright sit here"

You sat down at the teachers desk all the students looking at you you waved some waved back "H-hey! Isn't she the girl from the U.S.J" a pink skinned girl said

"Y-yeah I made that big bird thing explode" they where all shocked and looked at Aizawa to see if you where telling the truth, he nodded 

"Wow that's so manly" you look to see the red head from before

"I also healed Shouta" you pointed at him

"So you have two quirks" a brunette said

"N-no I have three"

"THREE!?!?" the whole class said at the same time except the green haired boy, spiky blond, and the bi color boy, you nodded, the bell rang signaling it's lunch, you hopped down and went towards Shouta

"Can I go with them" you asked while tugging on his pants

"Nah kid it's better if you stayed with me" he responded

"Oh um it's okay if she stays with me during lunch" the green haired boy said

"Yeah we can get to know each other better" the brunette popped up

"Okay but I swear if she gets a scratch on her, your expelled" they gulped

You grabbed his hand and went to the cafeteria, it was huge as well, you sat on the green haired boy's lap "So what's your guy's name" you asked

"I'm Izuku, this girl right there is Uraraka, also Tsu, and that's Iida"

"My name is [y/n]" you said

"So [y/n] how do you have three quirks" Iida said to you

"I don't really know, m-my p-p my p" you took a deep breath "My parents didn't have these kinds of quirk, so I'm not really sure how I ended up with three, there not made for saving people, it's more for killing so I don't think I'm gonna be a hero" you sadly explained

"Don't think of that, you can be a hero!" Uraraka said

"Yeah your quirk is awesome you'll be a great hero" Izuku also complimented

"Well I guess it won't hurt if I try but i'm still unsure about it" you grabbed your [f/f] but it disintegrated "oops" you put your hands down on the table............ you disintegrated the whole table "I really got to control my disintegration quirk"

"C-can you also disintegrate people" you nod

"You see my Angel touch quirk also requires my hand but I still need to practice on the disintegration quirk, I know how to control my Angel touch quirk, so when I do use it the disintegration quirk doesn't pop up so you don't have to worry when I heal, but It's best if you don't touch my hands for now, if I ever do accidentally disintegrate you guys I can always revive you" (the reason why the reader didn't revive her parent's is because she hadn't manifested her Angel touch quirk yet, and it was to late because the ashes where blown away) they had chills run down there spine

"Hey mind if we- whoa what happened to the table" you look over to see spiky red hair, spiky blond hair, pink skin girl, yellow hair boy with a thunderbolt, and a black hair boy with tape thing on his elbow

"Sorry it was my quirk still don't know how to control it" you said while looking down

"It's okay your still young theirs another table we can sit at" you guys went to the other table

"What are your guy's name"

"I'm Kirishima that's Bakugou this is Mina here is Denki and that is Sero"

"There are a lot of names to remember, I'm [y/n]"

You guys talked until lunch ended, you knew all there names and quirks and that there's a sports festival coming, you told them if you guys get hurt you'll heal them

You felt happy finally, you can relax and there are people who are willing to help you, you weren't scared anymore and you didn't have to worry
















Boy where you wrong .

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