"Lance? You in there?"

Abigail's eyes snapped up, meeting those of the woman in front of her, snatching her hand back to its previous place in her pocket. Amy nodded, before continuing to her own desk, where she picked up a small, thin manila folder with only the crime scene photos and a few sheets of paper in. She held it out to the brunette, who slowed pulled her hand back out from her leather coat, reaching cautiously towards Amy to take it.

"I assume you're gonna wanna handle this alone?" Amy stated it more than she questioned it, quirking an eyebrow, "You did that a lot."

Abigail didn't respond, looking up through her lashes at the woman and lofting an eyebrow challengingly, then opened the folder and began flicking through what Amy had collected. There was scarcely anything in there, even the autopsy seemed freshly hole-punched.

"I called you as soon as the case came in. We barely have a thing on this," Amy clarified, before sighing and letting out a soft chuckle, "The guy who would normally handle this shit isn't in. Well, the guy everyone around here is saying would handle it. I've sent him what I sent you. He's not here."

"Do you have anything else?" Abigail asked, slapping the folder shut and tucking it under her arm.

"Yeah. Back page," Amy nodded, watching as the brunette rummaged for it before continuing, "Looks like he was apart of some doomsday cult, believed it was their destiny to prevent the end of the world. That type of stuff. Like I said, way more your speed than mine."

"And the cop you found him with?"

Amy shrugged her shoulders, letting out a puff of air as though the world lay heavy on her delicate shoulders. Atlas' burden was one Abigail sometimes felt like she bore as well. It was a weight which constantly threatened to crush her.

"We're not sure. Presume he was in on it, too."

Abigail nodded appropriately before skimming through the report, flipping the page as her brows began to furrow deeper and deeper and her eyes widened and strained.

"Jesus... where did you find this guy?"

"An old abandoned building, along with the dead cop. Well, fake cop. I think it ties into another incident, a girl. Kid, really." Amy moved around the desk to lean against it, crossing her arms over her chest. "Threw a brick at a cop car. I'm not sure though. Seems too... random. Too unconnected."

"Just because something seems unconnected doesn't mean they can't lead back to the same thing," Abigail replied absentmindedly, "I'll go through the security footage—."

"You'll be hard pressed, all the angles are wrong. No facial recognition," Amy grimaced, before rolling her eyes, "And the footage itself is seedy at best. All the ones we found were in black and white, and we couldn't find any witnesses who could account for any details the camera didn't catch. The street was empty."

"Okay, I'll look into it," Abigail muttered quietly, adjusting her bag as she spun and began to walk away.

"Hey," Amy called after her, making the brunette stop and turn back to face her, "Um, if you, y'know, need help... I've still got your back."

Abigail closed her eyes and let out a gentle laugh, reminiscing for a sweet, brief moment on better days, before opening her eyes and smiling softly at her former partner, "Well, you could always show me where I can access the security footage?"

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